This isn't for women

If it was we would be seeing a lot more of Christian’s naked body and a lot less of Anastasia's.

How is fetishising the female body going to appeal to women, it's more to pull in the male viewers. They shouldn't have bothered though they should be trying to do everything for the female viewers as these are the people going to buy tickets for this anyway.

I think it would be fair to have the naked scenes be equal, she does full frontal then he should do the same.


But she didn't do full frontal. She wore a patch last time and had CGI pubic hair. We didn't see any genitals whatsoever!

I truly believe it would be a more natural film if we just saw what we saw , i.e. His penis and her vulva.


So she couldn't have just had her own real pubic hair and instead had a CGI thing as pubes because that was somehow more acceptable... Jesus!

We saw her boobs though and some fake pubic hair pretending to be real hair so yea we still got more of a look at her than him.

LOL you sadists


We did see his public hair as well, whether it was real who knows? :-)
And boobs , you see them on every beach, just the same as his torso / six pack
So we saw the same from both, all I know is that the scenes were pretty awful!

and see here , also she had a bum stunt woman!


Keep in mind that if he went full frontal would have gotten that movie an NC-17 and that would make it difficult for advertising and many major theater chains will not run any movie above an R.
Showgirls tried to break this mode but failed miserably and others have tried and failed as well.


It really waters down the whole thing and it just makes the story even more of a mockery.

I'm not even talking about full frontal but the fact he is basically clothed and she is seen naked in sex or BDSM scenes.

Double standard and it's bullsh!t.

LOL you sadists


Perhaps slight double standards in this film but the industry as a whole over the last 5 years it's the other way round.
More male general nudity in every respect.
Most US cert 15 comedies have male genitals as do most Rs but no female genital nudity.
There has been two merkins recently in Mike and Daves Wedding and Bad Moms but this can hardly be described as genital nudity.


That kind of stuff is acceptable in comedies because it is made to be a joke but in a serious movie, the ratings board tend to be more harsh.


I don't agree, there are loads of serious movies that just have penises. There are hardly any with a vulva. Infact apart from small studios and foreign films there are none!
Joke or no joke its genitals. Why isn't there a vulva in a comedy then?


I don't agree, there are loads of serious movies that just have penises

There are very, very few that got an R rating. The last I can remember was Any Given Sunday and that was for a few seconds. Many others have gotten an NC-17.

There are hardly any with a vulva

It seems that you're always talking about vulvas. What is your obsession with vulvas?


I am talking about films.....
Captain Fantastic
The Revanent
Bad Neighbours
Etc etc

As for an obsession , I am obsessed with equality in all respects in all ways of life.




I think you are wrong. The recent double standard of showing male genital nudity wherever possible and no female genital nudity would suggest that a penis gets a 15 cert in the US but certainly no more than an R.
A shaved vulva gets an R (although is rarely seen. The last being Trance with Rosario Dawson)
The funny thing is that a Full Merkin also gets an R.



Oh! So a woman is allowed to go full frontal without changing the rating but God forbid a man does the same! Double standards much?


1. Women can be sexually excited by seeing a woman's body.

2. If you want to see Jamie's penis, it's online. He was a model. Search.

3. What really turns women on is a man's desire for them. Christian's desire for Anastasia comes across in this movie and that is why women like this movie.

Equal amounts of full-frontal nudity is beside the point.

For every animal bought, a shelter animal dies.


I'm a man , and I am sure that women can also be sexually excited seeing a mans body. Both sexes are objectified blar blar blar.

We can all go watch porn if we really want to see genitals of either sex.

The complaint about this film is that although its supposed to be erotic , no one actaully shows any real nudity i.e genitals, even a quick flash. (Dakota's pubic hair being a CGI!) Its not very realistic or natural.
We are supposed to believe that this pair love each other presumably!

All I hope is that if Jamie does give a flash of his penis then Dakota should also give a flash of her actual vulva, not someone else's or a silly merkin.
At the moment she must be the biggest hipocrite around by saying she wanted him to show his genitals when hers were safely behind a cover, and she used someone elses bum for the close ups.

My wife loved all 3 books but can't stand the film


Please don't try to tell me what really turns me on...

LOL you sadists


I'm speaking of women generally. Your tastes may be singular. Whatever.

For every animal bought, a shelter animal dies.


Actually, it is a chick flick that gets men screwed twice. Girlfriend will be happy he took her to see it but also pissed at the nudity. Voila! Screwed twice.


I'm someone's girlfriend and I wouldn't be "pissed at the nudity" , it's kind of obvious that the movie (based off the book) will show plenty of skin .. We all should know by now that in big budget movies that's typically female skin .. So why would we be pissed ? .. On the other hand, if men went to see movies and a man was 'flashing his bits' in almost every over 18 movie they viewed and the women never did ..maybe he'd start getting "pissed" ;)


Its funny as that is precisely what is happening.
Men are going to see movies where the only nudity is male. Women never show their genitals , all they show is what can be seen legally in public in most states and on every beach in Europe.
Perhaps 20 or 25 years ago you may have been correct , but its certainly not been that way for a long time


Women don't need the full picture to fill in the blanks. Men are pretty easy,so to speak. Show them boobs, and they are caught! Show some bush? Even better for them...they are simple minded. Women on the other hand, We take in the scene...the words...the emotions...the looks and not to mention the feelings.
As we all know...showing the female body has ALWAYS been more acceptable than showing a male body. Something we still need to work on.


Why do we need to work on this? Penises aren't pretty. Ask Sylvia Plath.

For every animal bought, a shelter animal dies.


One person's taste isn't representative of everyone's. I certainly don't share hers and from experience, neither do most women.


If a man is allowed to do anything, so should a woman and vice versa. If penises aren't pretty, so are vulvas.


You need to look at the mainstream films in the last 5 years. There is more male nudity that female nudity in every respect. Furthermore penises are shown all the time but a vulva is never shown either hiding in the shadows or under a merkin.
Dakota Johnson wore underwear in the first film and pubic hair was added by CGI. The close up of her bum was someone elses!
This film isn't for men either! I don't want weird camera angles, just natural nudity if and only if the film warrants it.


Only one of those photos, the first, seemed to feature AS, and even then she wasn't overly exposed. While I kinda sorta agree with the gist of your post, those photos were weak evidence.
