Watch NEW trailer and 12 Hi Res photos
Watch NEW trailer and 12 Hi Res photos
Watch NEW trailer and 12 Hi Res photos
Meh...I liked it... I think... I found it interesting how they seem to have perhaps improved dialogue to move things along. I like that part. Line delivery seemed more natural than I imagined in the book. So perhaps E.L. James' husband is a better writer than she is. Said this before, but Kim Bassinger's wardrobe as Elena bugs the hell out of me.
Conservatives, I hear your complaints. What are your solutions?
Hi Alchemistlove,
First, thanks Wilson for posting it. The acting does seem more natural and I agree about Bassinger - not too complimentary for her.
Right..dialogue seems much better. Not so rigid. They both (C and A) look amazing, beautiful in fact.
Bassinger is still very much an attractive woman. She'll add some spice to this movie, I'm sure.
But, the scene I was so looking forward to was the "submissive" Christian scene...OMG OMG.
This movie will be epic...obviously, more so for those who are "die-hard" Fifty's fans me being one of them!!
Jamie said in a couple of interviews that making these two movies was so much better and easier... better prepared...they knew what to expect...knew each other better..and there wasn't as much pressure on them as the first movie did so well...and I think it will show up in the next the stories are much better than the first book..
shareDakota's mask:
I prefer the large sparkling black and golden mask fans made for Dakota in Darker fake pictures.
Somehow I don't have luck with this "crochet" gray mask in the trailer and pics. As Mia Rose said a while back, the poster looked like that of a horror movie.
As for the gray dress then I find it very beautiful and I like it.
(I am a fan of the first movie)