It was like him saying do what I want you to. She takes the whipping just for the sake of his pleasure, then turns around and says that you hurt me and I'm leaving you. How the hell did he expect that she was going to enjoy it?
There was a documentary about S&M on Hulu and a girl on it said that she was having sex with a guy and he slapped her so hard across the face that her nose started bleeding and she liked it. She said that was when S&M started for her
An S&M couple were on a documentary about the FSOG phenomenon and talked about Ana getting spanked and needing painkillers after, saying it was not S&M but abuse!
Ana thought she could take the worst of it...but in reality...she couldn't and shouldn't...and the book didn't end quite so abruptly...check out the alternate ending on was more like the book..
True--I interpreted her reaction in a similar fashion. She thought she knew all about CG's sexual world by that point, with her limited exposure (no pun intended) to Christian's dom/sub world. But just didn't really know until she experienced his full-on dom experience.
Thanks for reminding me about the endings. (The books are packed away in storage while I'm moving) and I thought the book ended in the elevator, as well.
And that only the alternate ending for the film that went beyond had more about how they were after the break up.
Then to confuse me even further, seemed to recall that "Grey" the book went further than FSOG the book by giving me a bit more of his post-elevator descent into despair after losing Ana.
I feel like Sister Monica Joan with all my books in storage, ha. She opined that with all her books not on her shelves yet after the move they were going to be all in disarray and jumbled up and in despair unless she got them sorted and stacked on their shelves, giving her books anthropomorphic traits. I get it Sister! Me too! My books are in despair someplace in storage.
All true...and it was too bad, because 50 Shades book ending, and especially Grey, showed us Christian's utter despair and heartbreak over losing Ana...and his talk with his therapist, if he could really have a relationship without BDSM.