MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Discussion > Please shut up about Twilight

Please shut up about Twilight

I know everything came from the Twilight haters because the author is a Twilight fan.
1. 50 Shades and Twilight are both for different age ranges. They even made a Twilight graphic novel. (Just the first)
2. Which film is shown on television? I have seen Twilight on Film 4 and E4 many times. 50 Shades of Grey is only on Sky Movies. I wonder why?
3. Because you are going too far with Twilight. 50 Shades is not a non fantasy Twilight. They are different.
I am also a Harry Potter far and fans go too far with that thinking that Fred and George should've seen Wormtail on the map, in Ron's bed, Dumbledore should've told a 12 year old boy about Horcruxes. Dumbledore set up Harry to get the stone. Even though that was explained that he didn't when Harry was talking to Ron and Hermione in the hospital wing.


Which film is shown on television? I have seen Twilight on Film 4 and E4 many times. 50 Shades of Grey is only on Sky Movies. I wonder why?

Most pointless point in the history of pointless points!


Yeah guys! Let's just forget about that whole "plagiarism" thing. It's not like it's unethical or something...


Why wasn't the "writer" sued? Is fan fiction legal? If it is, why is it? Is it because it's just idiots online making no money? I mean, fans make money for the real writers, don't they? In that, they draw attention to the original work.


Firstly, plagiarism is not copyright infringement. Plagiarism is more a matter of ethics -- claiming a work as yours when it isn't. It can also cover things that cannot be protected by copyright laws, such as ideas or plots, but it isn't technically enforceable by law (though you can kicked out of school for it).

Comparatively, copyright infringement is a legal matter. It can mean, of a work that is not yours and without the permission of the author: distributing the work to the public, creating sequels/prequels/etc of the work, or reproducing the work, among other things. However, this only applies to copyright holders. Not all authors of a work hold the rights to that work, and the rights can be bought by others.

Where fanfiction is concerned ... I'm not a copyright lawyer or anything, but from what I understand, fanfiction itself doesn't violate copyright fair use laws, but a specific fanfiction work could if the writer isn't careful... which most of them are not careful, and many fanfiction works do violate copyright laws. Occasionally, a fanfic writer will get a cease and desist letter. Most don't, probably because fanfic writers don't get any money for it, and their free fanfics can generate more interest for the original works.

As for FSOG, it is most definitely plagiarism because ELJ took characters and broad plot elements from another work, changed the names a bit, and claimed it as her own. However, plagiarism isn't technically illegal, just very frowned upon.

Honestly, I think Stephanie Meyer could make a case for copyright infringement since the fanfic version of FSOG still exists online. ELJ is making money on characters and plots that were heavily "borrowed," and I doubt she would be able to make a fair use argument since it's neither transformative nor a parody. However, Meyer would have to actually press charges since she's the copyright holder. But she hasn't, for whatever reason.


Have you even seen the movie? It is literally Twilight.


I know copyright to a degree, and I know about publisher contracts for books and they are very strict and buttoned up and often make claims on writers rights while protecting themselves. In this case, I've read, though I don't know the details, that fan fiction for Twilight was written with S&M themes and put online for free reading at a Twilight fan fiction website, which I'm sure was not affiliated with the film at all. A publisher saw the fan fiction, and it's popularity, and saw the potential and had the writer change the story to circumvent a Twilight lawsuit, and that turned into a non vampire story.

So likely, for attorneys involved, the rewrite, which took out the vampire angle, was enough to get them off the hook and the fact that the same writer had originally copied the Twilight story, was ignored, and or forgiven, and they all laughed their way to the bank. Especially because the original fan S&M fiction was poorly written, and so was the rewrite with the billionaire and so was the screenplay. Somewhere along the line there was a genius publisher and producer who realized the timing was right to make the worst movie about S&M and virginity in history and bank a billion dollars in the process. It's the American dream, a' la Kim Kardashian (who I'm sure is a very nice, smart person).


Wasn't the Twilight series based on something else?


Sure, Bram Stoker, Dracula.

Unrelated, but I met a photographer sometime after the book was released with the apple and hands cover. He was casting for a "Bella" he was going to shoot for the new cover. But I think he never did it because soon after the cast of the movie was on the cover. I do remember, almost no one at the party knew what Twilight the book was because the film had not yet been announced. I'm pretty sure the photographer had no idea how big it would become.


Please shut up about Twilight

Lotsa luck hoss, inducing even mild compliance with this one
