"Fifty Shades of Hot Garbage" is more like it...
Who in their right mind thought that making a film out of this lousy and classless series was actually a good idea, let alone a SEQUEL after the first film fell flat on its face? Good Lord, even Rotten Tomatoes has the first film at a whole "25% rotten" rating while IMDB has it at 4.1 / 10.
On a side note, Taylor Swift, who has the sex appeal of a lima bean, really embarrassed herself along with former One Direction star Zayn with the song and music video that goes along with this film. Both attempted to hit notes that they'll probably never achieve live, and the song itself is one of the most boring pieces of music that I have ever heard.
With that being said, I am anticipating that "Fifty Shades Darker" will likely achieve the same "glorious" rating that the first one did...or possibly do worse. Based off the fact that the first film was critically panned, however, I'm going to guess that this one will probably do worse as sequels to already terrible films always tend to go that route anyway.