An Itchy

butt hole usually needs another wipe or two....


Or you might have worms. Do you find yourself dragging your butt across a carpeted floor? If so, you might want to get that checked. I once read that when the worms reach your brain, it may cause you to do and say things that no longer make sense, and in severe cases, it can even lower your IQ drastically. Based on your post up above, it looks as if it may be too late, but you never know.

Chin up. There are really great programs out there for the mentally challenged of the parasitic variety. All's not lost, little buddy. Good luck!

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Ms. Stacy, you are the best. I'll be laughing for the rest of the night! 


His name is crashdummy, so yeah, there's that. Sadly, I fear the damage is already done, poor guy. If he has to wear it all day, I hope at least, his helmet is a good fit.

On second thought, maybe he needs a Go Fund Me page. Short buses can't be cheap.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~

