I know a lot of people say Jamie isn't a good actor but they need to check on The Fall. I thought I would see Dakota in something else so the other night I saw How To Be Single, I have to say Dakota is wooden. She gets work because of who her parents are.
Jamie is a good actor, just not in "Fifty Shades of Grey" in this one, he was a little better.
In Dakota's defense, I consider her to be an okay actress, she is just like Kristen Stewart during her Twilight years, her performances were "wooden" and too Bella-like, but she has gotten better.
Personally, I enjoyed Dakota in How to Be Single and the Fifty Shades movies, because she at least is funny in these films, but in the Dramatic side of her performances, yes, she does need some work on that.
However, it's how these characters are written, in the case of Anastasia, Dakota made Ana more real and human, unlike the book, who is terrible as a character.
Am I the only one who thought he was overrated in The Fall?
He played a sociopathic serial killer. One of the defining characteristics of sociopaths is a lack of complex emotion. All Dornan really had to do was give a very emotionless (read: wooden) performance.
Yawn Read the definition of serial killer then come and talk here. Jamie was amazing in Anthropoid and Jadotville too but short sighted people only talk about fsog which have zero material to work with.