MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Discussion > Why do feminist support this movie?

Why do feminist support this movie?

Seems counter-productive


Because it's about a woman owning her sexuality.


Owning your sexuality includes getting raped?


I don't support this film. Plenty of movies with suspect messages are released, why should I focus on this one more than any other? It has a right to exist just like those racist Transformers movies. Nobody takes this series seriously anyway.


I'm a feminist and I don't support this movie


I am a woman...and I support anyone's choice of movies...even Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles fans...or Dumb and Dumber...



The people I've read about, talked to and seen, the ones who want others to boycott the franchise are mostly victims of sexual assault/abuse.
Twitter had a #AskELJames day and she faced major blacklash. Didn't go as planned. A lot of the questions had to do about consent and abuse.

Saw this on Tumblr yesterday, people are posting AntiFSOG stuff before the sequel comes out,"The fact that 15 year old girls are looking at Christian Grey and thinking that he is the perfect man and that him and Anastasia have a healthy relationship is a sickening and terrifying thought."

Yes, the book is fiction but in my opinion that doesn't excuse Christian to be such a jerk. He enjoys the humiliation,stalking, beating, blackmailing and when he is caught in the act of doing something, he doesn't say sorry. He guilts others into feeling bad about speaking out. He only sees Ana as a "girlfriend" after he beats her.

I do feel bad for him because he was molested when he was a boy and Elana should be in jail. Totally tip toes around her and she never faces any kind of punishment.

Don't care what your morals are, you don't do that to a child. Elana saw Christian was broken and talked to his mom about it, she took advantage of the situation.


This was not a franchise for anyone under 18. If some one under 18 got a hold of the books or movies...I do believe thats the parents fault. You want to blame a fictional character ? UM ok. How about the parents morals? If they had any...the kids would never know anything about FSOG right?
OMG! Now you want to tell me parents can't be held responsible for what kids find on the internet ...
You can't pick one or the other right?


Don't agree with what you are saying but I respect it. I saw a lot of thing I shouldn't have seen before I turned 18. Children find a way.

Enjoy the last fifteen days being rude to everyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you.



"I love films that make me react emotionally and physically when you walk out of the cinema."



You feminists are absolutely pathetic and stupid. You already have rights in the UK and the US, think about the people in the Middle East, stop whining like little babies and shut the frick up already.



Ana was never Christian's sub...ever.. and he gave her the safe words, which she didn't use....and what 15 year old girls are reading or watching this stuff?...makes about as much sense and saying the Twilight movies made teen girls hunger for a handsome,young vampire to come and bite them..which they did..oh and marry them too..



Yes, it's usually the victim's fault, duh.

Not very surprising coming from Isundling.

Ana says no to Christian in book 1 when he breaks into her apartment, when she says no, he's says, "make a sound and I'll gag you". They have sex.

In book 2, Ana says no to Christian after she finds out he's a sadist and he doesn't stop.
They have sex.

In book 3, she safe words him and he continues to yell at her and then tells her, that she's so frustrating.



Bill Cosby will use this excuse in his trial and try to stack the jury with fans of this movie.

Instant acquittal guaranteed! 😝



Bill Cosby will use this excuse in his trial and try to stack the jury with fans of this movie.

Well, Alondro might not be drinking the Kool-Aid but he's clearly enjoying the pudding pops!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


Because this started out as Twilight fan fiction. Duh.


I'm not here to pick a fight or anything, But why would it be so wrong if they did? I personally have read the books, mostly out of curiosity, and just because I don't like some aspects of it, I'm not going to hate on it, the author, the actors or the filmmakers. That's just dumb. Whether you love it, like it or think's it's garbage, at the end of the day it's one person's (E.L. James') sexual fantasy. That's all it is. When it comes to the characters, I do think their relationship is very unhealthy, But saying that's it's an abusive relationship or worse saying that "he rapes her" is BS, because it's like saying that was James' fantasy, which is not only unsettling but also wrong. These books aren't as deep as that, like people make it out to be. Stuff like BDSM is what turns the author on (It's a different issue she didn't research it or write it better) around which she knit a "fairytale" like story which ended up resonating with many other women too. What's wrong with just respecting that for what it is even if you don't feel the same way? And if you think it's ridiculous, why can't you just laugh it off and not make it into something that just isn't there.


Hi RedSparroiw197, I agree. It is E.L. James's personal sexual fantasy, one she wrote for herself. She shared it online and found enough readers who had the same dark sexual fantasy to make the books and the first movie a hit. It will be interesting to see how well it does at the box office.


Do they?
