It's a movie,from a book...

Wow! This board has been flooded with fools with hopeful one liners. And trolls like the dip *beep* ass hat brian.
The hate? I get it. This came from a book that was so badly written...taken from page to screen was terrible. I did not read the book(s) before the 1st movie was on HBO. I watched the movie and said WTF? Really? So I had to read the books. After that, I got it. They did a *beep* job of making you connect with the movie. If you didnt read the book...You were lost. If you read the get it.
Imaloserbrian007 is so jealous. He has class, no education. Jealous of a fictional character. Says a lot about him. Hell, he just got his very own cell phone 2 weeks ago!

So critics, please tell me about another movie JUST like this one. Not gonna happen. There are none.
This movie was and will be torn apart by critics and trolls on message boards like asshat brian .
So you wonder why the actors are not thrilled to promote these movies? Paycheck!

This movie will win no awards... DUH. will make money. Why those who hate it stay here and bash it, makes me wonder what they are missing in their lives.


Yeah. So while the trolls stay here and whine...they are just adding to the hype. Does not matter if this movie stays on top for a week or even 2...If it makes another 200 million they still win.
