What would happen if Ana told the media about Christians Fetishes later?
After the breakup of Ana and Christian Grey at the end of the first movie, Fifty Shades Of Grey.
What would have the results have been if Ana had decided to tell the media (newspaper,Entertainments Tonight, the local news or just write a tell all book) all about her experiences with Christian Grey and his red room of pain?
The contract was a joke and couldnt be legally enforced anyway, any courtroom would laugh a lawsuit of Christians right out of court after seeing his dirty perversions and sexual fetishes, it would be at best defamation of character and because if was true it wouldnt really be even that.
Ana was broke and had no money, had bruises to prove her story and could name several people working for Christian that would back the story up, and his mother and brother and sister too, and her mother, you cant really sue a woman that is broke because they have nothing to lose, Christian would be humiliated and treated like a freak by the entire media, he would lose clients and money, it would ruin his reputation.
A lot of women would just run to the media after the breakup, the lawsuit would never stand in court and a broke woman wouldnt be taken for what little money she had, Ana meanwhile would profit off of it all, Christian would have to issue a denial and look guilty and fake doing it, not something he would like at all, he would look like a pervert to his family and the press and would have to pay Ana to settle it and drop things.
I always found his contract and lawyer crap stupid, nobody does that stuff over being a sexual deviant, he would freak out after his name appeared on the news and his story with her showed up on tv, Ana had nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing it, i know i would have done so.