Honest Review

So my fiance read all of the books and obviously wants to see the movies. I took her to see the first one when it came out as a valentine's day date, and did the same for the sequel last night. My main problem with the first movie was the complete lack of chemistry between the two stars. They take no time to make Christian Grey appealing aside from being wealthy and good looking. Add that to bland acting, and his character just comes across horribly.

The second movie was more of the same. I have to admit that the chemistry got (slightly) better as the movie went on, but still not great.

There is so much in this movie that makes no sense. The old blonde lady is kinda shoehorned in there like I'm supposed to care. Her boss turns molesty very quickly after coming across as a genuinely nice person early on. There's a scene where she seemingly submits to him and he ties her all up...then they have regular missionary sex. The whole helicopter thing is the best piece of drama that the film has to offer, yet it's incredibly rushed and anticlimactic.

Again, I still think it was better than the first one. From what I've heard (mainly from my fiance) these stick pretty closely with the books. It's a shame, because if the writers (of the movie) were willing to make a few tweaks here and there, these movies could be decent.

