The lefty establishment really has a thing for fraternities, especially if they're "too" white. Movies like this are Hollywood's slobbering soap opera version of the Rolling Stone rape hoax and the Duke lacrosse rape hoax. The media couldn't put those cases over in real life so they fictionalize it even more and try to feed it into the public consciousness via movie theaters and cable tv.
Has the "lefty establishment" made a whole lot of movies about evil fraternities lately? This movie seems to be about hazing, not date rape. So BOTH the perpetrators AND the victims would be white men. So that's like saying movies about girls being mean to each other are automatically misogynist, or movies about minority gangbangers killing each other are automatically racist.
The entire media, including Fox News, covered the Duke lacrosse incident because, while false, the accusations there were highly incendiary. The bogus Rolling Stone article COULD be blamed on an overreaching leftist media, but one bogus story doesn't prove rape on campus and in fraternities is NOT a real problem. This is the same brilliant logic that leads many right-wing rocket scientists to conclude climate change is a hoax because there was an incident or two where scientists fudged the data. So based on a sample of one or two incidents--that got much more widely reported because they WERE bogus--global warming and sexual assault on campus are both just big hoaxes, regardless of large amounts of other evidence to the contrary.
I don't assume either of these things ARE happening for sure, but this kind of crackpot logic is exactly why I tend to listen to the "lefty media" over all the whiny right-wingers.
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
I agree with you about climate change, but sexual assault on campus is way blown out of proportion. It happens, but it's not an epidemic like many on the left claim it is. For example the infamous ''1 in 4 women on college campus are sexually assaulted'' statistic is a complete joke.
Pretty sure you're supposed to be rooting for at least some of the pledges (who are also white boys). Seems like you're either trolling or overly sensitive.
I didn't think of that when I saw the trailer. I saw a underground subculture called the world of hazing. If this were all blacks or hispanics you'd find another angle to complain.
The film was written and directed by a white dude based on his own experiences in a fraternity. Why don't you silly-a** fight wing nuts actually look up info on a movie for once before you start using it as an excuse for one of your stupid anti-left-wing rants nobody gives a fck about? I mean seriously.
"The lefty establishment". You guys are so transparent. This film is based on a memoir -- oh sorry, "true story" -- so take your "left establishment" crap to some other board.
__________________________________________ "In your opinion?" "Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."