This is sad

This Jullian Fellowes melodrama is drawing the same type of audiences who love Downton Abbey. Yet you would never know it looking at the lack of posting on Moviechat. It's been 24 days since the last time somebody mentioned this series and its season isn't over yet. How sad the only type of people Moviechat seems to attract are incels who want to talk about supethero garbage. Excuse me as I go into a corner and quietly weep for the loss of our IMDb message boards. It's been five years since Bezos pulled the plug WE WILL NEVER FORGET.


I watch the MCU and love this show.


I miss imdb so much.

But also, I usually only look at boards after the season is over. So I’m not much help to ya.

I like MCU a lot, but I just feel like looking at those boards is asking for spoilers. I’m so spoiler-averse that I don’t even watch trailers.


The fact that nobody is discussing it is problematic. When Dexter was having its recent season, several people were coming here and talking about it. That nobody is doing this with Gilded Age means either there is no.interest in this show or Moviechat's base are usually white incel males 12-40 with no interest in costume dramas.


There are other places to discuss the show.


Where is that? I like Reddit, but it’s tough to get into/follow tv show or even movie discussions there from my experience. Is there somewhere else?


Nope, that’s it. There are two subs; one has a much larger membership. I agree that it’s difficult but what else is there?

Yes, I miss imdb.


Oh, I didn’t think to check for an actual Gilded Age sub. Most things I’ve wanted to discuss could only be found in r/movies and such. I’m going to check out the gilded age sub right now!


Well,it was fun while it lasted. The sub is dying

And don’t get me started on the fangirling on some of the period drama subs. 🙄


This board is dead. The only discussion that takes place here is about diversity.


"How woke is it?"


"Gay subtext."


"Trump sucks."


"Biden sucks."


"Etc., etc."
