So...just a straight up serial killer show?
Have yet to read the much of a supernatural aspect does It employ?
shareHave yet to read the much of a supernatural aspect does It employ?
shareNone in the first two books. Since this is just the first book, no supernatural stuff. The third book has some, but I don't want to spoil it.
shareReally? Fuuuuuck...why can't this man sit behind a typewriter and not write nonsense...oh well.thanks for the consideration but not to worry...not going to waste my time on a story I won't end up liking.
Too bad...he writes characters well.
This is a thriller, I guess. It's a good first book, bad second, good third. Ha.
shareWish I would have just opened this thread...
Spelled it all out...SUPERNATURAL! at least I would have been communicating with people of a like mind. Honestly don't know why pokemchokem got so snowflakes over my comments (besides the fact
That he obviously is reading disadvantaged.) I guess he really likes King.
Your comment doesn't make sense. Do you mean you can't enjoy a book or show unless it has supernatural aspects?
shareOh I think think my comments are quite simple to follow...if one employs context...first I ask if
It has a supernatural element...then someone confirms it indeed does...then I get obviously pissed and call his writing "nonsense "...really think I was hoping fo supernatural???if so...context ain't your game.
Oh so you are too stupid to follow what you are told. That's what I suspected and why I said your comment didn't make any sense. No one confirmed the show had supernatural elements. In fact you were specifically told IT DID NOT HAVE SUPERNATURAL STUFF. Then you started prattling on about some nonsense that made you look like the idiot you are. Obviously I was too polite in my first post. I should have said "Reread the post moron."
Damn you are really a simpleton, huh? Your smugly condescending reply made you look even more pathetic and ignorant than your others did. Hilarious.
Dude you are unhinged...niahflame clearly stated that the first two books in the trilogy have no supernatural elements. As this is a trilogy I assumed he/she meant that the third book does have. The poster went on to inform me that the show would only cover the first book . Obviously if this series is a success the show will be renewed and later books would be the source material. After your unsolicited,belligerent responses, I figured I should make sure that my original understanding of niahflames explanation was correct.
After a minute on Google I found that yes,indeed the third novel delves into the supernatural realm. Many reviews seemed to pan this addition to the series.
All of this is somewhat irrelevant, as I never was really interested in watching the show.
My desire was to read a good Steven King story. I did mention that I had yet to read the trilogy...and also stated my lack of interest in a story,not show,that I didn't think I would enjoy. I concluded my post by expressing a fondness for Kings writing style where character development was concerned. Calmly re-read my original post. I never mention watching the show at all.
Perhaps you saw my response to niahflame as angrily directed. Niahflame did not seem to,but if she/he did,and would have stated such, I would have explained that my anger was not directed at them,but was instead just frustration at the situation. The situation being...I love to read! Between numerous mediums I consume 3-6books weekly. I have a vast appreciation for many genres,but unfortunately for me(especially after interacting with the likes of you)I don't care for supernatural. Since mr. King writes much of this genre,I tend to shy away from his work. Cujo ,the body, RHATSR and apt pupil were all
Novels of his that I truly enjoyed. When I stumbled upon the mr. Mercedes seres I was
Stoked for a straight up serial killer trilogy. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out that yes,in fact there is a supernatural twist tacked on...well I suppose you don't have to guess as it is why we are embarked on this exercise in futility.
I can tell that you are an unhappy person with an axe to grind...but I'm not your whipping boy. I've proven my arguments correct and decimated yours by simply googling mr Mercedes...IT IS SUPERNATURAL BY THE END...PERIOD!
I do hope niahflame did not take my response as anger towards them...if so I do apologies. As for the asshat that went out on a limb with an uninformed declaration, that panned out to be HORSESHIT!Plain and simple...some advise...Google your shit before you type it! THE MR.MERCEDES SERIES IS SUPERNATURAL!!!
shareContext and reading comprehension...the kryptonite of panpoeken...pan token...ah fuck it...ASSHAT!
shareNo one confirmed the show had supernatural elements.
Wrong...niahflame clearly stated that the first two(of a trilogy..duh) were not...that means the last one is...duh. That is reading comprehension failing you...
In fact you were specifically told IT DID NOT HAVE SUPERNATURAL STUFF.
Stuff...really? Once again...I was informed that the FIRST TWO had no supernatural elements...this is an example of both context(first two indicates a you find in trilogies...and stuff) and reading comprehension (if the first two don't....then....come on pokeytoke you can do it...if the first two don't then the last one...that's right pokeytoke the last one DOES!!!)failing you. Not to mention the fact that niahflame DID say there was a supernatural spin in the third novel...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING???
Now that I have that off my are a shitnipple...and I'm the kind of guy that likes the last are going on my ignore list.
shareI didn't bother reading all those posts once I saw it was nothing but you whining and lying. You didn't understand what niahflame told you and instead of just admitting that you lied and kept lying.
Now you have created numerous posts digging your hole ever deeper. Then to make sure you prove you're the most pathetic little bitch on the internet you do what little girls do. You stuff your fingers in your ears and run away crying.
I've rarely seen anyone unravel so completely with me saying so little. I'm embarrassed for you.
"All of this is somewhat irrelevant, as I never was really interested in watching the show."
Then why is your thread titled: So...just a straight up serial killer show? ???
Why not ask about the book? Asking if it's just a straight up killer SHOW would lead most people to believe that you are interested in the SHOW.
"My desire was to read a good Steven King story. I did mention that I had yet to read the trilogy...and also stated my lack of interest in a story,not show,that I didn't think I would enjoy."
No. This was your initial post: "Have yet to read the much of a supernatural aspect does It employ?"
By that, most people would assume that you are interested in this SHOW since you say you haven't read the BOOKS.
One would also assume that since this is Stephen King, and that most people KNOW that he employs the supernatural in a good deal of his works, that you are into that.
No need to go off the deep end when someone rightfully misunderstands you.
If you are going to go to the trouble to make a thread about a show that you aren't interested in, try being clear about the information you are seeking from the start. We aren't mind readers here.
THANK YOU!!!!! I don't think my first post was rude at all. I seriously was confused by his post for the EXACT reasons you mentioned. I don't even think the guy is trolling I think he's unstable.
How would he know King "writes characters well" if he hates reading or watching stories about the supernatural? Very weird posts and reactions all around. Maybe he will now 180 and be polite to you.
Good thing you mentioned we weren't mind readers. Supernatural stuff seems to set him off.
All I can do is Laugh Out Loud! You are welcome. For a while there, reading his posts, I thought I'd entered the Twilight Zone!