This show is Space Cop

I was thinking about this show while watching it (the only way to make the experience entertaining), and I realized something; this show is 'Space Cop'!

Who among us haven't marvelled at the genius of 'Plinkett's Reviews', especially the 'Star Wars Prequels' ones? (I also do love the Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull analysis, it's so spot-on!)

It's easy to watch something really amazing, and then project the 'amazingness' to everything the same author makes in the future. Of course, then we get disappointed, when what they do turns out to be more mundane and mediocre than the carefully scripted and crafted comedy or analysis we just witnessed.

When you watch Red Letter Media, you can expect the 'Plinkett's Review' level of sharp analysis, commentary and comedy, but you won't usually get it. 'Science man analyses Terminator: Genisys' is close, but most of their stuff is just pretty down-to-earth when they analyse movies, and it can get boring pretty quickly.

Still, you'd be forgiven if you anticipated Space Cop, thinking it MUST be a really poignant commentary of our times and poking fun in sci-fi tropes in an entertaining and funny way, just like Plinkett did.

Comparing Space Cop to the best stuff that Red Letter Media has produced, though, leads to anger and disappointment pretty quickly. That movie is shallow, pointless, unfunny, amateurish and ridiculously boring, considering it features the Red Letter Media cast.

It's not even entertaining. Rich Evans is a great man, but his acting can't even be called 'acting' in that 'movie'.

What I am trying to say is - Red Letter Media, Mike Stoklasa and Rich Evans are geniuses in many ways, with a great talent of analysing movies. This is why 'Best of the Worst' is sometimes really fun to watch (other times, not so much).

But their movie absolutely sucks. It's atrocious, it's lower than bollocks. I would never recommend it to anyone. Space Cop is where they tried to do something OTHER than what they are actually good at. Plinkett's Reviews are a shining beacon of funny analysis, Space Cop is not worthy to kiss Plinkett's hairy toes.

We could also talk about AVGN episodes vs. 'AVGN Movie', because it's basically the same story - James was good at making those episodes, they were really good. The movie, however.. I still get shudders from the thought of ever watching it again. I'd rather lick a Rhino's.. ok, you get the point.

'F is for Family' suffers from the same pattern; someone is really good at something, then they try to do something else, and that something else is really bad. This show is that 'something else', and Bill Burr's obvious strength is his stand-up comedy.

Bill is a genius on stage, he's below mediocre in this show.

This show, thus, proves to be just another 'Space Cop' or 'AVGN Movie'. They should not have deviated from what they were good at. Original AVGN episodes I still watch gladly. I would bingewatch all Plinkett's Reviews right now happily. Give me any Bill Burr's classic stand-up special and I won't complain.

But having to drag myself through another episode of THIS... I'd almost rather watch Space Cop a third time (I had to watch it a second time because I couldn't believe it to be THAT bad, but it was)..

OK, maybe I'd rather watch one more episode of this than 'AVGN Movie' again, but that's not a high praise, you understand.
