
I want to say from the start that I deeply respect, support and admire President Obama And First Lady Michele Obama. So this is not about Obama hate. The film is problematic for me for many reasons. First I have a problem with the depiction of very intimate moments about two , living, high profile people that assumes to know what truly happened. It feels like an invasion of Privacy and kind of creepy. It is like a tabloid or a gossip magazine story put to film.Kinda like a Peeping ToM Plus I feel the first time feature film Director is exploiting the President and First Lady for personal gain and to make a name for himself. The film is not very good either, kind of dull, skimpy and pointless, other than celebrity ogling. Also, when I watched the film it seemed,like I could be watching a propaganda film from North Korea about the Great Leader. The film is shameless in hero worship and feels kind of icky.There are many legitimate, meaningful, and dynamic films that could be and probably will be made about Obama .Southside with you is not one of them.BTW the actor who plays Obama is fantastic and really got his looks and voice down.Actress that plays Michelle not so good.


"Propaganda film" is exactly what this is.


they could have made a date movie about John Doe and Mary Jones, but making it loosely about the Obamas means more money at the box office and more free publicity.

Don't hate on contrarians
