MovieChat Forums > Southside with You (2016) Discussion > Michelle: "So, why did you come to Chic...

Michelle: "So, why did you come to Chicago?"

Barack: "To try and make a difference."
Twenty-seven years later and a walk through Chicago's Southside will get you killed. Well done, Barack.

So many a$$holes, so few bullets.


He meant, "make everything more Marxist". You see, Marxists see that as "making a difference".


You all judge, but haven't done shít in your own lives.


Oh what a day! What a lovely day!


I've advocated fighting against Marxist ideology, which is terribly destructive and leads to mass misery and death. So, I've done more than both you and Obama combined.


I have my doubts you have ever actually read a word of Marx's writings, let alone have any idea what Marxist ideology is.

I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait


Nobody has to read Marx to understand how even that misanthrope is. Just look at all the nation cults it inspired: USSR, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, N Korea, Venesuala. Leads to nothing but poverty, starvation, and oppressions.

Only a psychopath would defend Marx!


You ain't done shyt but complain. You THINK you're doing but you're not.


And how is he a Marxist?


BWGrainy, what you need to understand is that if you choose not to like someone, it shouldn't be because of the color of their skin.

reply much white trailer trash, so little time..for your KKK coward meetings....


So if I disagree with obama I'm a racist kkk member?


Cdagger: You can always tell the Stupid Left (where the Dumbest Generation meets Saul Alinsky), especially in the form of the typical "low-fo" Obama supports. They usually go right for the ad hominem (racist! KKK member!, etc.) because they're incapable or too lazy for rational thought. They react to a syllogism the way Dracula responds to a crucifix.



Thanks for that scholarly, well-researched response, Mr. Kruger!


I'd like to also point out that I don't like white "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy coercion-addicted power-tripping government sniffers and State fellators") either. I basically don't like people who want to force me to do things. I'm funny that way.

"Political tags—such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal conservative, and so forth—are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."--Robert Heinlein.



No, Aristotle, I hate black "liberals" too. (A statist is a statist is a statist.) You know, just like you probably hate pro-freedom blacks (Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, etc.) for bolting the "liberal" Plantation and wanting their freedom from Massa Sam.



Guess the only walk you had on the southside of Chicago is hand in hand with the media. How cute. When's the wedding?
