shareI thought people were supposed to be dead or at least 75 before biopics were made about them.
shareThat explains why W. came out while George W. Bush was still in office and The Social Network came out 7 years after Facebook was created.
Besides it's not a biopic. It's just about one day in 1989
I was kidding.
shareWhat was the joke?
I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait
That historically the "dead or 75+" has been the trend for biopics, and it still feels a little unusual for a subject to be alive and active.
It didn't translate well on paper, obviously.
Writer, founder, editor, and webmaster: filmreviews12.com
I thought people were supposed to be dead or at least 75 before biopics were made about them.
Erin Brokovich is still very much alive and still appears in the news when she does something notable.