Another review in!
"I'm sure this is a good movie, but I couldn't see it because the taxpayers wouldn't buy me a ticket!"--"Julia" of "Julia's World"
share"I'm sure this is a good movie, but I couldn't see it because the taxpayers wouldn't buy me a ticket!"--"Julia" of "Julia's World"
share"This movie was worth taking off my footie pajamas and getting off the couch to see!"--Obamacare spokesperson Pajama Boy.
shareI suppose you think you're funny.
I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait
Well, at least as funny as Obama. Last week I heard him give a talk where he said, "That's just Economics 101." You know, like he would know what that is! Rib-tickling!
shareBilwick got jokes.
Damn good thing, too, have you seen him???
Oh what a day! What a lovely day!
Your mother thought I was pretty good looking when I ploughed her, MattGuy. Heigh-yo!
shareBerserk....your Peter is about the same size as your hero only plowing the fields behind your trailer. Punk!
shareTrump isn't my hero. I'm a libertarian--you know, one of those weirdoes who think their lives and property belong to themselves and not to Il Dufe, Queen Cacklepants, or whatever other snake-oil peddler can con the low-info voters into electing them Chief Thug.
shareThis just in:
"Anyone who doesn't go see this movie is a traitor and a subversive, and ought to audited. Nah, I'm just kidding. This government would never use the IRS to harass its enemies! Except for the ones that really deserve it!"--Lois Lerner
"This movie is racist for not casting me in the role of Michelle!"share
~Leslie Jones
"My Resting Bitchy Face* will go permanent if you people don't go see this movie! Michelle smash!"--FLOTUS She-Hulk.