Disgusting lovefest by liberal hollywood
No bias here!!
shareI wouldn't see this drivel if you paid me to. And I wont waste any of my own money on any film made by or starring any of those liberal idiots who support that lying, anti-American treasonous b****. Oh wait, I don't have money because I can't find a job with my master's degree because I'm white. Welcome to the future center of sharia law thanks to that worthless POS in the white house that will only get worse if the OTHER liberal lyi g sack of s*** gets elected. Screw the disunitex states. I'm moving to another country rather than stay in what will undoubtedly become a police state. Everyone who voted for the current POS or will vote for the *beep* should dislodge their heads from their rectums and see how disgusting this country has become in the past 8 years. Before the current POS there was very little talk of racism, US was a proud superpower, we didn't have to walk on eggshells because the poor terrorists were offended, our national debt was HALF of what it currently is, we weren't giving billions of dollars to our enem8es to fund nuclear weapons, we had a military that could defend us, and we werent g8ving out citizenship to tens of thousands of middle east "refugees" so the crooked left. Ould remain in power and continue to shred the Constitution. I hope everyone who votes for this *beep* enjoys food rationing, forced obedience, zero rights, indoctrinating education, labor camps, etc. if, god forbid, she gets elected.
shareI'm with you man, where are we moving to?
sharePlease move. Thanks
shareWow, you need to seek help and I have just the referral for you, He is available 24/7, his telephone line is never busy, you need to call on Jesus.
and the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again. Who's Bad?
Not sure which America you are living in.
shareYet you came here to b!tch about it. Loser.