MovieChat Forums > Southside with You (2016) Discussion > Why did they choose a black actor to por...

Why did they choose a black actor to portray Obama?

Can anyone explain this?


Tom Hanks wasn't available.


They didn't want him to be nominated for an Oscar.




What an idiotic question. Now we are examining shades of skin. How many years must we endure white Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes, I'm not making a stink about it.



You didn't answer the question.


It does bother me how people consider Obama to be black, or even african-american (african/american, more like) based solely on his appearance. Aside from that, he has absolutely nothing in common with the average african-american. Nor would he. His earlier life was more in line with what you might expect of a privileged 'white boy.' And he has no ancestral links in common with those descended from african slaves.

I do find it quite humorous when BO appropriates what harry reid would call a "negro dialect" tho. He does enjoy thinking of himself as a "brother" despite his polar opposite life experience. I recall the time he was filmed voting in chicago a few years back, when a real black guy joked with him about hitting on his girfliend or something. Barry busted out the street lingo like an old pro, and even threw in an "aight". What a goofball.


Picking a black actor to portray a black person, it is a conundrum.


Corrections.....His an mulatto, not an black person


Corrections.....His an mulatto, not an black person
You're talking genetics.


Are you talking about Michelle? Because Obama is not black, low-information.


They should have picked an Iranian to play him


This is the funniest thread I ever read. Who would ask such a question? Keep the funny relies coming.
Why did they ask a black man to portray President Obama... They couldn't find a white guy with big ears


Too bad Clark Gable couldn't have been resurrected. He was both white with big ears.
