This board is gonna become so hateful soon
The sad part about it is that the negative comments will include my own damn Black folks on here bitchin' how Obama didn't do anything for them.
shareThe sad part about it is that the negative comments will include my own damn Black folks on here bitchin' how Obama didn't do anything for them.
share"The sad part about it is that the negative comments will include my own damn Black folks on here bitchin' how Obama didn't do anything for them."
Like the job of the President of the United States is to give out free stuff. (And by "free" I mean of course " involuntarily paid for by other people.")
*eye roll* "free stuff". LOL.
shareBottom line..Obama made it possible for people to return back to school and get or continue their education. If you missed the memo than that's your damn problem!
shareSo, who brought the economy down moron? It wasn't Obama, that's for sure...his am solution to the problem that was created by the previous president who caused that economic down fall
shareIt wasn't caused by the former president. It was caused by Democrats who wanted banks to give sub-prime home loans to people with bad credit. Housing market collapsed, banks collapsed, economy collapsed. When Bush tried to put the skids on it, he was shot down and called 'racist.' You want to blame someone, blame Barney Frank and Maxine Waters.
shareUh, yeah... but how was the MOVIE?...
share"Bottom line..Obama made it possible for people to return back to school and get or continue their education."
He did? And he spent all his own money doing that? What a guy!
"I remember when 'liberal' meant being generous with your own money." --Will Rogers
"Then", not "than". You are in desperate need of a remedial English class.
shareWhen you start going after spelling and grammar you are just admiting you are out of valid points.
Cable companies need to adapt to today's market or get passed over.
Actually I am highlighting your colossal ignorance. Somebody has to do it.
shareLOL it wasn't even me! Way to prove my point.
Cable companies need to adapt to today's market or get passed over.
How does that prove your point, turd licker?
shareBTW, your grammar is also wretched. The word "you" has no business appearing in a sentence three times. I pity your English teachers.
shareLOL. Further proving me right. I feel bad for you at this point.
Cable companies need to adapt to today's market or get passed over.
The functionally illiterate one feels bad for me. How cute. You would be better served taking a remedial English class. You could then be spared the indignity of having your grammar mocked by strangers.
shareBottom line..Obama made it possible for people to return back to school and get or continue their education.
Ironically, the Democrat Party is importing millions of muslims who are not going to like all that gender and sex nonsense.
Women enslaved in burqas are not gonna want to share a bathroom with the gender-confused.
Ironically, the Democrat Party is importing millions of muslims who are not going to like all that gender and sex nonsense.
And by "free" I mean of course " involuntarily paid for by other people."
Will Michelle be pre-op or post-op in this movie?
I almost didn't come here, assuming it would be nothing but having to ban people. IMDB is rapidly becoming one of the worst corners of the internet for anything that can be made political.
"Dimwits like that jerk above you, turn everything into political fodder, these days."
The left have been working hard to make everything political since the 60s. "The personal is political," remember. Everything had to be made political to bring about the Glorious Liberal Utopia.
Now they whine when the right make things political. Mostly because, when the right do that, the left lose.
Yeah, heaven forbid people share their views on public forums. Seriously, get over yourself.
shareYou own black folk???? Errr that's against the law now days. Obama is a lying socialist *beep*
shareAnd just for the record I don't particularly like Trump either. Hillary will continue to damage this country, driving the wedge even further between its people, Captain combover will likely sell us to the highest bidder. That's why I'm very likely voting liberation this time around.
shareAnyone but the Kenyan's third term.