Billionaires and corporations are sitting on several trillion dollars hoarded in their offshore and American bank accounts. If regular Americans got some of that money, they would spend it on goods and services and the economy would skyrocket. Just imagine how the economy would grow if it is infused with 3 trillion dollars that is being hoarded by the rich.
That's adorable, but you didn't answer the questions. Let's try again...
Not sure which orifice you pulled this "3 trillion" number from, but what's the formula for dividing everyone ELSE's money fairly among all the people in the country? Following your stupidity here, 3 trillion divided by 350 million (to cover those here legally, and those that are undocumented and hidden from the census) is only about $8570. Just how long do you think this one-time injection of cash is going to stimulate the economy? After about a year, the same industrious, intelligent, risk-taking entrepreneurs will be right back to working hard and making more money than the lazy and entitled who've already blown through that small amount of cash and who will again, be demanding that someone who has more money than them, hand it over to them. In this idiotic socialist pipe dream of yours, should the person who makes $90k/yr get the same amount as the person making $25k/yr? Even better, what's the threshold for "rich" and for those to receive it? The 1%, according to the IRS, is around $370k to 380k a year. So, is someone making $365k/year a recipient while someone who makes $370k someone who has to pay?
And compared to the homeless and hungry right here in this country, YOU are considered rich, and you're hoarding your home and your food...why won't you share your house and food with a few homeless people?
Come on, Snowflake, define the parameters and explain why you won't share your own comparative can do it!