MovieChat Forums > Southside with You (2016) Discussion > Our Founding Fathers would've considere...

Our Founding Fathers would've considered our POTUS and FLOTUS property

Talk about perspective...

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus The Omoxus and the Omega


Not every African American was a slave, some were freed.


And not every slave owner was white, some were black. Actually, one of the first slave owners in the colonies was Anthony Johnson, a black man.


I noticed you keep saying this but you never provide any evidence. Is this something you heard or are you pulling this out of your azz you racist azzhole?

I have a very low tolerance for stupid so if I ignore you it's nothing personal.


Maybe you should learn some history before you start calling people racist you worthless idiot. Or maybe try a simple google search, or are you too lazy.


I called you a racist because you're trying to defend the act of slavery by saying there weren't that many white slave owners and black people did it too. Not once did you condemn it or the people responsible.

I have a very low tolerance for stupid so if I ignore you it's nothing personal.


No, you called me a racist because that what people like you do when you don't agree with someone. Never once did I defend slavery. Why do idiots like you always have a serous lack of reading comprehension? I pointed out the fact that it wasn't just whites that were involved in slavery. I'm sorry that the facts offend you. Not all white people owned or supported slavery and I am tired of idiots like you blaming slavery on all whites and just whites.


And not every slave owner was white, some were black. Actually, one of the first slave owners in the colonies was Anthony Johnson, a black man.

So I guess you're just trying to deflect guilt from the whites by claiming blacks were doing it too. Well they both did it, blacks to a lesser extent. Slavery was and is still wrong in every way, shape or form. Just because there were some black slave owners doesn't give white owners a pass!

I have a very low tolerance for stupid so if I ignore you it's nothing personal.


Damn you are a stupid one. I can see that you are too mentally deficient to understand basic english but I'll try one more time anyway. I never said slavery wasn't wrong and I never even once tried to defend slave owners. I was defending the whites that didn't own slaves but continue to get blamed for it. How is that hard to understand?


They would have considered someone living in 2016 as property?

That doesn't even come close to making sense.
