Actresses in the UK and EU...
It has taken me a while to appreciate the stark contrast of many UK and EU actresses over their USA based counterparts. Most (not all) have zero cosmetic surgery. Some have pretty bad skin, not so great teeth and obviously not super healthy eating habits.
Yet, the quality of acting combined with realistic worldly looks makes for amazing TV and film. I find myself much more engrossed with the characters and dialog as if I were watching it all unfold in real time. It is so refreshing, really.
It makes me acutely aware of the $300(more?)facials, Botox, fillers, nip tucks, face lifts, perfect teeth, unnaturally WHITE teeth (think Chiclets) that American TV has.
They actually apply make up with air brush spray guns here..LOL. It is a more than a bit "much" I am realizing.
I read that Oprah flies in her private jet regularly a 1000 miles(more?)each way, just to get a $1000 facial that costs around $50k after fuel costs etc. Face Palm.
For the money she makes, she just should hire people 24/7 to follow her around and slap food out of her hands. Now THERE is a worthwhile beauty treatment! :)