MovieChat Forums > The Magicians (2015) Discussion > Good story full of awfull unberable char...

Good story full of awfull unberable character. Who is the worst to you ?

The Strange strenght of this story is its unlikable characters ! We can identify to various situations and characters because we have all met such obnoxious persons, and sometimes, behaved like one of them.

So, who is the worst to you ? (I speak about the main protagonists, not the villains like the BEast or the cheftain of the Hedge wizards)

Alice is on my top list.

After all, she decided to make a ritual that gives the Beast an opportunity to enter Fillory, but above all, she keeps trying after witnesing some grievous murders, endangering the life of two other people, without a single regret (exept for herself)

Another good one.

She purposely tooke vengeance to Quentin infidelity (who definitly did a bad thing, but was clearly 'out of his mind', Under the influence of a 'magic roofie') at the very time when the group coheson was a matter of life or death.

What i find interesting about Alice is that she has legimate issues, but the very lives of others are obviously less important that her personal feelings.


They are all extremely immature, and they can't speak!

None of the words that come out of their mouths communicate what they want to say. It is really that bad!

Quentin is the worst of them all when it comes to being a douchebag and being eloquency-challenged. The scenes where he told Julia to accept her place showed an extreme lack of empathy and a high degree of narcissism.

Luckily, the story isn't really character-driven, so it was alright.



He's a bully, backstabber and buddyfocker. The first thing he does is steal Q's stuff, spill beer on it, throw it away and then lie about it for most of season 1. He threaten's Q and others constantly, even when Q was trying to save his ass. He acts like he always has the moral high ground no matter what. Then, when he sees a moment of weakness, he screws Q's girl even though as a psychic he knew exactly how Q felt about her.

In the real world, that guy would stand a good chance of catching a bullet.


Can't recall his name but the gay guy is by far the worst. He is not even one dimensional, drags the show down badly. Julia follows through as second. Her "revenge" story is childish at best


Actually, I love that they're all screwed up. Yet and still, they somehow manage to connect with each other, even if it's in the flimsiest ways. I'm going to have to go with Q as being the worst, because he's so self obsessed. But he's learning that he's self obsessed and in that, he has some room to really grow up.


I'm giving up after five episodes. There are interesting moments but, as many posts on this board seem to agree with, the characters are poorly done. Maybe more than that the show just doesn't have a natural flow to it. Don't know if that stems from a rushed production, weak writing, or something else.

Based on what I did watch Alice at least has the sympathetic aspect with her wanting to get her brother back. Elliot and Margo are somewhat decent as well. Penny was never likable. You'd think Quentin would be as the main character but he's not. None of the relationships grabbed me. Quentin and Julia came off as nice friends briefly then that went up in flames. Everyone is miserable despite the existence of magic and being good looking. Being dark is one thing but this show makes it hard to get invested.

You asked which is the worst though so I'd say Penny.


I think Dean Fogg is the worst. He's rarely nice despite being in charge of the school. You'd think he'd have a reason to cheer on his students and keep them alive. Instead he rarely answers questions or gives them the help they seek. His voice also reminds me of British comedy shows; it just seems exaggerated and corny.

I like the show, but there's something missing from the characters and writing. There's a way to make unlikeable characters that have some charm. No one in this show has charm or behaves in a realistic way. Overly sarcastic, mean spirited and selfish. Feels a little bit too try hard.


For me it's a toss up between Alice and Julia. Alice grates on my nerves for all the reasons that you mentioned. Julia has the most privilege and appreciates it the least. Both characters come from privileged backgrounds, but Julia is just completely insufferable with it. Of the two, she seems the more whiny. She did acknowledge her issues at one point. But I'm still not over the fact that she somehow equates Quentin's failure to talk to the school administration about re-testing her as being equivalent to her putting him in a coma, locked inside his own mind. His being a jerk is the same thing as her almost killing him. Like...what?

Strangely enough, I don't hate any of the characters, even though most of them have been pretty loathsome at one point or another. I think for the most part that I'm more entertained than annoyed.


I'm surprised anyone could ever like Margo. She's got the typical mean girl personality and is pretty one dimensional. She brings nothing to the show except to convey that Brakebills has a popular crowd and to give Eliot (a much superior character) an angle to play off of


Quentin was the worst for me.
The writers just really went too far in portraying him as such a whiny loser. I wish they would have balanced it out and shown better qualities in him. Every time he goes on about Fillory in that overly-enthusiastic breathless rant I just feel sorry for him as a character. They should have done better writing his parts.
