MovieChat Forums > The Magicians (2015) Discussion > Did the Dean know they would accidentall...

Did the Dean know they would accidentally open a portal?

At the beginning did the Dean know that Alice, Quentin and the others would accidentally open a portal for the Beast to come through?

I ask all of this because it makes me feel bad for the Dean, since I'm picturing him getting his ass completely handed to him 39 times in a row 😨

The Dean mentioned that, since they had been through this time-loop 39 previous times they knew very well how everything would play out. So does this mean that they probably also accidentally opened a portal all of those other times? Or was the absence of Julia the "X" factor that allowed for something different and new like that portal being opened up?

I know Alice would have had the same exact motivation to see her brother, all 39 of the previous times, which leads me to believe that maybe they did open it each time.


No, because he explains that Jane changes something every time she resets the time loop. So every time is different. The one constant is that at some point Quentin always ends up going after the Beast.


Yeah that makes sense.

I just figured that maybe Alice's motivation for coming to Brakebills was always the same--to contact her brother and find out what happened to him.


I don't think they ever clarified whether everyone, everyone that's a highly trained magician, or just Jane, is aware of the time loops.

It could be that she fills in the dean and other key players after resetting the loop or there's some magic spell or charm that allows them to remember the time loops.

It sure would suck if you were some magician on the other side of the world, totally unaware of the conflict, that found themselves shunted back in time again and again. If that were the case you'd think there would be dozens of magicians hunting down Jane just to stop that crap.

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