Does anyone know Romanian?
In episode 3, right after Alice and Quentin gain access to the Physical Kids' cottage, some kids are playing a drinking game which involves reading something (presumably a spell) in Romanian. From what I can make out (I only have low-quality, so the text is a bit unclear), the text is as follows:
"Pierde legăturile de gravitaţie şi plutesc liber.
Ca praful, chiar pietre avânta pe briza.
Ca vapori, un râu curge inapoi la cer.
Deci, prea acum va această mutare obiect mare pentru a acoperi."
Which Google Translate says translates roughly into this:
"Lose bonds of gravity and float freely.
Dust, stones soar even the breeze.
As a vapor, a river flows back to heaven.
So too will this move now to cover large object."
Does anyone know Romanian and can confirm the accuracy of the translation? Also, assuming the Google translation is correct, what do you suppose the spell was supposed to do (assuming it was indeed a spell)? Maybe this is how the Physical Kids fly? Eliot did say almost all of them could do it, and it seems logical that it could be a flying spell... losing bonds of gravity, floating freely, etc. But the last line is a mystery; maybe it was mistranslated or something.
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