Quentin's acting

I get that he's playing an anxious nerdy character, but why won't he move his lips as well as his eyes when he's delivering lines. He looks like a ventriloquist's dummy. Am I the only person who needs to consult subtitles every time he mumbles some dialogue?


What I can't stand is that he's referred to as a kid in the first episode. He's 30. That's as far as I got and as far as I'm ever going to get.


No you are not! His "Nerd, loser, dork" awkwardness is a bit much as well. We get it, you're AWKWARD! The insecure, stutter and delivery of the lines is just overkill. I'm only on episode 6 but he's starting to irritate me.


i love the overly done awkwardness. i hope he doesn't "come into his own" too soon. everyone always seems to think these characters need to change and grow into what every other character is.


He's just an all around terrible actor. Whoever was in charge of casting should find a new gig. How is the lead of the show the least talented and likeable of them all? And none of them are all that likeable in the fist place.


Read the books, he's not supposed to be likable. I actually find him slightly more likable here than the books. The Magicians is supposed to be the anti Harry Potter and Narnia


It seems like he was forgetting his lines and they just kept filming.


What I can't stand is that he always looks like he's on the verge of tears. It's SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me want really bad things to happen to him. A lot. Plus I think he's a pretty crappy actor.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers
