Alice's God Powers

So after the beast wrecked everyone to hell and back, I get how Alice was fine. Being a god and all i think it's cool that shes "hard to kill right now" and I liked that she couldn't just magically repair Penny's hands, but were Elliot and Margo dead? How can it possibly make sense that Alice can resurrect two dead people no prob, but not fix a set of hands? Seemed very strange to me. I just find it odd that the beast would murder Alice, dismember Penny, and then just merely 'knock out' Elliot and Margo.


When I watched it I didn't think it looked like he killed Elliot and Margo, just knocked them out pretty badly. If he killed them that easily, he would've done the same to the others, resulting in no survivors (except for Alice)


First things first?

For every complex question there is a simple answer. And it's wrong. ~ H. L. Mencken


He probably 'just' stopped Eliot and Margos hearts, so it was like magic CPR. Apparently magical micro surgery is more difficult.
