Anyone remember?

So Martin was abused by his dad (?). That actor was played by Mr. Sheffield ;) What happened to Mr. Sheffield? I just remember him in some little hut last seasons.

Thanks in advance!




I think you are asking what happened to Plover who was played by the guy from The Nanny. I've been wondering the same thing. Might be a plot hole; it's too soon to tell.
What happened to Pete?

For every complex question there is a simple answer. And it's wrong. ~ H. L. Mencken


As a reward AND a punishment, i would lock him with the kid that began the end of the world in 'The strain'.

Poetic justice for both of them.


Martin was abused by Plover, the author of the Fillory books (who wrote the books based on what the Chatwin kids told him about Fillory)

Last we saw him was when the gang got the knife, which was only able to be used by a true magician (god like powers). The gang then suggested to test out the knife on Plover, and since that we haven't seen him. It can be suggested that they killed him but I don't find that likely so in that case he's still laying sick in Fillory.
