MovieChat Forums > The Magicians (2015) Discussion > Clearly a man wrote this

Clearly a man wrote this

Since the male chacthers have some depth, the females are so shallow and one dimentional I can't even remember thei names. They only have one single character trade; The innocent / The slut / The rebel. And every single thing they do is just about that, nothing else.
They seriously could replace all of the women with paper cut-outs and it would not make a damn difference.

Where does Michael Jackson keeps his porn?
In his pedo-filing cabinet!


Worse, a gay man. You know, the kind that don't NEED women, but has no problem to know them quite well.

Are you homophobic ? It's the 21th century, for God's sake !


Say what now?

For every complex question there is a simple answer. And it's wrong. ~ H. L. Mencken


A lot of people think the female characters are the most interesting.

If you think Alice, Margo and Julia can be reduced to "the innocent, the slut and the rebel," that says a lot more about you than it does the characters.


I love your answer. I want to carry your kids. It's the 21 th century, for god's sake !


If that's true, then Quentin, Penny and Eliot are nothing more The Puss / The Prick / The Poof. You don't have to be narrow just because it's easier.

I will sort of miss the level of ignorance these boards encouraged.
