Too much feminist BS

I was expecting a movie like Kingdom in Heaven or Gladiator with battles and alpha male bravado and I got a VERY BORING medieval Metoo TV movie .HARD PASS.


sounds like you could easily become a more happier man by managing your expectations


Or your grammar.

“More happier?” Really?


He is not wrong.


but well, know not everybody on this site is a native English speaker.for me its just one out of 5 languages i speak, so sure , things wont always be perfect.
how many languages do you speak? and are they all perfectly spotless?


I speak one language flawlessly. When you come into my territory, be prepared to deal with me. This is a USA website. American English is our language.


Don't be weird. You're writing posts on an internet message board, not a formal document.


حمار عنصري


could you direct me to the websites guideline dictating you can only communicate here in spotless English? i missed it somehow.
also very cute you know one language, must make you feel very powerful and quite the man.


Way to uphold the image of the American douche!


You sound like a jerk.


I’m sure you’re the kind of tourist that loves being spoken to in the local language instead of English when travelling abroad, am I right?
That’d be consistent with what you’re saying on this forum


I know what you read from the OP seemed tactless, but what he is expressing is important--a total detestation of the worthless #MeToo "movement" that makes wild boasts that it is helping women but has ended up being an embarrassment to them, making them out to be the eternal victims. The revenge and settling scores of this upper middle class "movement" has not helped one working class woman and is muddying the discourse between the sexes. The OP was correct in denouncing a film with woke messages and #MeToo bullshit.


Who cares. Go touch grass and beat your wife!


Gladiator had way too much feminist stuff in it.

How can you hard pass it when you imply you've already seen it?


That's home schooling for ya...


You can tell it has a feminist slant to it simply from watching the trailer. This was supposed to be in a time when women were more like cattle that could be bought and sold and no one really gave a shit about their feelings. The real story behind the whole thing paints a picture of a jealous guy telling his wife to lie so he can try and get the other guys land, the trailer itself paints Jodie as being way more involved than she would have been so if you wanted historical accuracy it probably isn't going to give it to you, it might give the correct outcome of the duel but will probably throw everything into a woke blender to try and modernize the people in some fucked up way.


Gladiator feminist? What?


Don't mind Brux, he's one of our resident lunatics


And RG confused lunacy and sarcasm all the time.


So you want to see a few chases and battles. Kiddie stuff. Stick with Marvel. This has a real story for adults.


Don't compare the Woketard MCU with the 90s/00s epics you fool.A homo like you of course hates action


What was the feminist message in the movie that you object to?


I like that you expected an answer to this...shows that your faith in people around here hasn't already been crushed by their one-upmanship bullshit. But a damn good question!


Well, you never know!


That's too bad man, its quite a story. If her husband was killed, she'd have been burned at the had a little more at "stake" here then some PC me too whatever...
On the whole feminism note, I was just reading up about the true story a few minutes ago here...check this out:
"According to a French register, only 12 rape cases, taking place within several hamlets, were heard in court between 1314 and 1399."
So being charged with rape wasn't just rare, it was virtually unheard of. Implying that women had fewer rights than you may have even have imagined during this era, what with rape apparently being considered nothing more than a property crime against the husband. Add in the fact that they often had little to no say-so in who they married and you can imagine that life for a woman in this era was unimaginably difficult.
"medieval metoo movie"...there's so much to unpack from that that I won't even try, but pretty apparent that the movie wasn't made for you anyway.


This movie is lame it's made for Leftards


Then go and take your horse dewormer. I heard it's good for your health bro.


And you don't forget your hormone blockers soytard


You sound like a huge douchebag that only watches bro-y action movies.


You sound like a soytard who likes to be pegged in the a$$


So much toxic masculinity... Stick to Chuck Norris movies, sweetie
