MovieChat Forums > The Defenders (2017) Discussion > The Hand has been a failed experiment fr...

The Hand has been a failed experiment from the get-go. Count your losses Marvel.

They're not interesting, they're barely threatening, everything they've been doing up until now has been constantly cryptic and poorly explained. It doesn't make them mysterious, it makes them a dull confusing waste of time.

It's been three shows. 34 f-cking hours of screen time and I still do not know what their basic motivations and goals are. Defenders came close, but even when Stick described their Lucifer-esque backstory and I thought, finally, these Hand fuckers make sense, it still left me with a ton of questions. Why did they invade and destroy Kun-Lun if they consider it their home? Do they want to get back to Kun-Lun or make the Earth a land of immortal men? If they're running low on the black goo than why'd waste the remains on Elektra? Because their leader has a hard on for her? Why does this arbitrary f-cking monicer make her the ultimate means to the end? What is a Black Sky?

Ooooh wait. It turns out they've been trying to get through this door that leads them to a dead dragon that they discovered while Goa somehow created an earthquake because the goo is in their bones and the dragon for some reason left Kunlun, died and is now pillars new it all makes sense!

Wait, why didn't they just find a way to get around the fuck it!

STOP Marvel. If you're having this much trouble just making a villain make any sense after three shows, you've failed with them. Get rid of them. I never want to see them again, I don't want to hear the word hand uttered. They suck.

Why not have Defenders fight some street level faction of Hydra?


A lot of these questions were answered in the show itself.



They totally were.

"Why did they invade and destroy Kun-Lun if they consider it their home?" - Alexandra told Danny it wasn't destroyed.

"Do they want to get back to Kun-Lun or make the Earth a land of immortal men?" - The idea of making the Earth a land of immortal men never came up so I'm not sure why you got this idea in your head.

"If they're running low on the black goo than why'd waste the remains on Elektra?" - Alexandra believed in the prophecy of the Black Sky. It was her idea and the other Hand leaders told her multiple times it was a mistake to do so, that she acted out of selfishness, and that they didn't believe the Black Sky was all that important. This led to them deciding to kill Alexandra. So "they" didn't decide to waste it. Alexandra did and she was nearly killed for it.

"Goa somehow created an earthquake" - No, she didn't. The geologist on Trish's radio show said it was likely a detonation. We later find out that the architect stole the remaining C4 and was planning on leveling the building.

"the dragon for some reason left Kunlun" - Gao told Danny that dragons roamed the Earth long ago. The Hand's plans have involved digging up these bones all over the world for centuries. So no, that dragon wasn't from K'un L'un.

"why didn't they just find a way to get around the door?" - Gao said they tried blasting the door and digging around it, but it wouldn't give way. It was mystically sealed, thus requiring the Iron Fist.
