MovieChat Forums > The Defenders (2017) Discussion > Netflix/Marvel show pacing

Netflix/Marvel show pacing

This is in no way a troll attempt. I'm genuinely curious if anybody else has found the pacing of all the Netflix/Marvel shows to be really slow from the middle onwards?

I have struggled to get through everything so far, including DD. In fact, the only season I have finished is DD season 1 - only because I wanted to see Punisher in season 2; but, I still ended up getting stuck around Ep 5 of season 2.

Jessica Jones was a little better, but I still got bored around Episode 6. I found Luke Cake the worst of the three. Which was surprising since I think he's easily the best casting and delivers the best performance.

I'm not really sure what it is? I want to love these shows, but they feel really underwhelming to me.


I know how you feel. Jessica Jones slowed down around episode 6 and didn't recover until the final episodes (which are good). Luke Cage also had the problem in that, when Cottonmouth died and Diamondback started showing up, I got a little bored, although it had a lot to do with me not caring about Diamondback as a character and the actor being too over-the-top. I liked both seasons of DD, but I can understand if people thought they slowed down a bit.

I think part of it is that they only have so much story they can tell over the span of 13 episodes. I even wonder if there are some budget issues. The effects and fight scenes are usually beautiful, but I'm sure they're not cheap, so they can only do so much.


I actually think they would work better as 10 episode seasons. It would all be a little tighter, less filler, and I'm sure it would keep people more interested.

It's funny, because for a company that bases a part of its business model on binge TV. There aren't that many ORIGINAL binge'able shows. At least, nothing like 'Breaking Bad', 'Sopranos', etc. These shows hook you, get you invested, and every episode leaves you wanting more.

Even 'Stranger Things' (Which was great) didn't leave with me a strong desire to watch the next episode. On a couple maybe, but not on every episode like the others.

The good thing is ... 'The Defenders' is only 8 episodes, so I think it's going to be a very different experience.


The Defenders' is only 8 episodes, so I think it's going to be a very different experience.

This is my hope too. Maybe they are spreading the first seasons thin so they can build up to better things later down the line. That's my hope anyway.

I'm thinking Netflix needs to produce a lot of hours of content to make sure that subscribers have enough to watch to keep their subscriptions.


Not sure if this will answer your question or help, but I had friends who enjoyed watching 2 episodes per day. I personally binged watched it and at times felt underwhelmed by certain episodes.


True. My viewing experiences tend to be better when I spread the episodes out instead of binging.


The pacing is fine to me but I don't always find every character interesting... or sometimes I don't particularly like the actor(s). I can't really sit through Daredevil because I find the core cast to be rather boring.

Jessica Jones and Luke Cage are amazing. I loved every minute of them though there were some times in Jessica Jones and Luke Cage where it seemed like they forced them to make dumb decisions for the sake of story and yeah the Cottonmouth to Diamondback transition was pretty terrible.


Perhaps I've found another person who believes that Charlie Cox is a very average DD?


The problem with the Netflix shows aside from DD is that they're too long for their own good.

If Jessica Jones had been a 9 or 10 episode series it would've worked out better, and Luke Cage wrapped up its main plot 7 episodes in.

Seems they learned their lesson, since Defenders is only 8 episodes long.


Defenders was originally planned to be six episodes.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I've had no trouble with the pacing, generally speaking.

I don't know how you watched them, but I think they're built more for a weekend or week-long binge watch than for plowing through them in a day. The shows seem to break naturally into blocks of a few episodes each.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I loved the shows and didn't find pacing to be a problem.

BUT I will say I think Marvel is still finding their way somewhat with respect to Netflix. They have all the freedom in the world but probably aren't really used to that (nobody is yet). I think they may have agreed in advance with Netflix to provide 4, 13-episode seasons and one 8-episode "event" for Defenders. Then sort of had stories that didn't fit perfectly into 13 episodes.

I think they'll get better and sort of take the training wheels off. JJ could have certainly been 10 episodes with maybe one or two being well over an hour and the rest being closer to an hour. To get that really psychological tension you need a couple of episodes to run longer. So maybe the episodes about Jessica's past with Kilgrave could have been longer and they could have dropped some of the side stuff.

DD2 sort of was a bonus season and I think they might have split their focus a bit between some material they had planned and then trying to "launch" Punisher. Might have been better to stick to one story only (Punisher I assume) and go with a shorter season.

It's not like people pay per season or episode, so having shorter seasons or episodes within the seasons that vary widely in length should be fine. I think it's just a case of "TV people" being so used to the 13 or 26 episode format and episodes of about 1 hour in length.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
