MovieChat Forums > Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015) Discussion > Best use of Music in "Montage of Heck"

Best use of Music in "Montage of Heck"

Of all the music in the documentary "Montage of Heck," what did you think was most powerful. For me, there were more that a few songs I would have loved to hear. That been said, this documentary did an admirable job of selecting songs.

I wonder how many people saw that "Smells Like" bit, with the symphonic opera taking the place of the actual song, as the best music moment. It's a neat moment. No doubt.But do you have any other favorite song selections/performances.


My favorite was Been a Son when it showed Kurt exploring his creativity. I also really liked when it played Lithium and showed the montage of Nevermind being released.



I thought the "Smells Like" bit was cool in that it was in slow motion, and gave a different take on the video and song. However, it was a bit much. I was also disappointed that it didn't play the actual song, even if I have heard it too many times.

I would like to second the Molly's Lips suggestion. I realized I have never really payed attention to their cover of that song. I've always dismissed it. But this doc gave it new life for me. I immediately sought out the song, and listened to it repeatedly.


Oh Me


A lot of good moments, I liked the part were they used "School" coupled with footage from the film "Over The Edge".


Yes! That was groovy. "Won't you believe it, it's just my luck."

I wasn't aware of "Over the Edge" until "MoH," but I really want to see it now.


I loved the lullaby version of "All Apologies", I thought it was cute and sad how they played that while showing the clips of him as a baby. Made me tear up.

Hi. I'm a 21-year-old female, so don't call me an idiot.


As I remember, that was among the first moments of the doc. I was wondering if the entire film would be strange covers of Nirvana music rather than actual Nirvana music. I guess I was conditioned by the excellent documentary "About a Son" from '06, which had no Nirvana music. It did have a killer soundtrack though.


Yeah I second the lullaby version of All Apologies! Was moving. I liked all of the music selections though and thought overall they selected the most emotionally appropriate songs for this piece.


Does anybody know where one could find the music shown in the movie? I really liked the instrumental versions of Nirvana songs.

- I hear the sound of billions of people calling your name.
- My followers?
- Your victims.


Definitely the orchestral teen spirit. It was the only time I teared up the entire movie. Beautiful. I had never seen that great quality photo of kurt lying in the poppy field. He is so beautiful in that video.
