The wall of shit. - Spoilers
Do highly trained snipers really do this?
So they hang around for 20hr's in a location knowing peeps were snipered on the ground. Lots of dead friendlies and no enemies on the ground. Coud've just called a drone in the middle of the night to look for heat signatures, since that area is so desolate.
Then when his colleague gets shot, he runs into the shooting gallery without finding the enemy location and gets himself shot along with his long range radio. Bravo
They then start feeding information from an unsecured line so the enemy sniper can listen in on their conversation. Never heard of radio silence. Really! Now the enemy knows you're out there. Well done. Don't even know how to fix a bloody radio antenna, even with spares. Great!
Ok so he's shot, gets short range radio call and starts jabbering away information to an unknown source. You're kidding!
Then the movie turns in a talking movie with little else of anything resembling intelligence. Hey sniper, I'm still alive!
The part where his partner gets done for good I was like. Yeah saw that shit coming. Lazy hack writing.
The ending sucks too. One shot, one unconfirmed kill bs. Then same shit all over again.
Irritating shit movie. What a waste, written by a total naive, hack of a job screenwriter.
The best thing about this? It only wastes 1hr30m of your life.