Just saw this movie tonight and was deeply moved. Just can't say enough good things about Eddie Murphy in the title role. All the actors were just great though. Most of all though it's the story that really captured me ... got my interest and attention from the beginning and kept me through the end credits. What a story ... and what a script ... it just flows so smoothly ... and movingly with plenty of room for tears and laughs and more. I really loved this movie ... 8/10 ...!
I caught a preview at the theater. About a minute in, I thought "Wow, I really want to see this." Then the preview went on so long and gave away the entire story and all the twists that by the time it ended, I was angry. Now I feel like it will be a 2nd viewing if I ever see it.
"I was so disappointed when they closed the Stock Exchange." - Donald Trump, 9/11/2001
I hadn't seen the trailer ... after reading what you said, I watched it. And agree it's exactly the kind of trailer I hate. All these rapid-fire bits from the movie without context or meaning and just trying to get the viewer of course to see the movie. If I'd seen the trailer before seeing the movie I'd probably not have gone for exactly the same reasons you say. My own view of trailers is that they should give the flavor of a movie, just giving us enough to get an idea of what we'll be experiencing if we go see it. Some trailers do that very well. This one almost didn't do that at all and I'm feeling angry that it didn't.
Seriously, I'd suggest that you try to forget the trailer in deciding whether to go see the movie or not. The bits in the trailer stripped out of context really give very little away. In fact by far the most important parts didn't show up at all even in the weird bit-stream of the trailer.
My 2 bits anyway ... man I can get rolling when it comes to lousy trailers for good movies ...