Questions I had (spoilers)
The big question people have, of late, regarding Eddie Murphy is can he still be funny.
I am assured that he can. It might be odd to make this claim after watching his southern drama Mr. Church, but he is so true and so likeable here. And his comedy generally comes from his honest likeability.
If Mr. Church, which takes place mostly in the 1970s, had been made a few decades ago, it could have starred Sidney Poitier. His lack of warmth and actorly dignity might have made Charlotte's request to know him better a moot point. Despite being a film that could have starred Poitier, it is worth noting and refreshing that the film does not deal in race, just in family drama.
The film is an odd drama; there is really no catharsis for any character or the audience. This is because it is perhaps subtle at the wrong moments, like those dealing with death and Mr. Church's secrets (he is a closeted homosexual who plays piano at a bar is a questionable reputation). And it is melodramatic at the wrong moments, some scenes of Charlotte's daughter (the butterfly story is great but to see the butterfly later was kind of weak) and a terrible scene involving Charlotte's best friend Poppy that could take one out of the movie, with its falseness and sense of self righteousness.
The film is very much worth seeing despite any problem. It has memorable lines such as when the mother character tells her daughter. Your father was the mistake you were the miracle. It extols the virtues of reading. Eddie Murphy is wonderful, as usual, deserving of kudos and awards talk. He is a treasure that gets audiences but never enough credit for talent and creativity. Christian Madsen plays a character named Larsen really well. I wish there was more of that character and a little less of Charlotte who provides all the exposition and is a bitch through much of the movie.
Questions I had while watching
What was her boyfriend's issue about kissing?
If Jelly was a friend why did he let him get wasted every time he went there?
What was his hangover cure?
How did Poppy make it so fast, and why didn't she seek out her friend and help her from the start?