Oscar buzz

I hope this is getting attention. I know Loving and Birth of a Nation are getting it. Eddie gave a beautiful performance. He deserves it for this.


I hope Murphy gets it for this, because in one of his recent podcasts, he said what would happen if he didn't get it soon. He said he could see himself in his late eighties, so old, that the academy would feel obligated to give him an Oscar. At that age, he'd accept the trophy, then urinate all over himself onstage in front of millions of vidwers. He gave a hideous laugh.

Aside from that, I think he didn't have to work too hard for this role. It's almost like the role was written for him. He was so natural that it looked like it took no effort to play Mr. Church.

I really think this is Eddie Murphy's best performance to date. It must have been a lot easier for him than coming up with punchlines in his comedy films. I hope he sticks to dramas for the near future. His Oscar's gotta be in this genre!


I don't get the vitriol for this movie. Most of the reviews make it political or call it racist. I am just not seeing that in this film.


This movie got snubbed. Too bad because i thought it was the best movie is saw in 2016.
