MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > In 20 years Texas will be majority Mexic...

In 20 years Texas will be majority Mexican. Republicans are doomed

Republicans are doomed. Whites have to realize that in 20 years Texas will be majority Mexican and like California will vote Democratic.

Republicans will never win White House after 2036.


Because all whites are Republicans? STFU

Also you can't predict 20 years in the future like that and expect nothing to change in the meantime.


Whites don't want to have children and Mexican culture promotes children.

Thank God the rule of snobbish arrogant whites will end soon.


In 20 years Mexico will be wealthier then USA.
Obama has added 10 trillion to the debt = US dollar will collapse like Zimbabwe dollar soon.


Silly. The Republican and Democratic parties will continue to evolve over the next twenty years into things we can't imagine in 2016. As will the Hispanic community. The term "White Hispanic" will become much more common. And a likely third major party will emerge within the next 6 years, too. You can't have a functioning democracy with only one major political party. That discussion is needed.


You do know that Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were Hispanics and were Republicans, where I live (NorCal) there are quite a few Hispanics(highly educated ones) running as Republicans. Just like a Libturd Damnocrat, you want a one party system, so you can run roughshod over the country.

You're offended by a post made by a guy named Whackjob?



The reason this is an issue is because the GOP has attacked 2 minorities which was part of their base. At a time Mexicans & Muslim religion base highly voted republican but due to their own party fear mongering they're killing their own support.


But that all changes after Hillary. We couldn't get the support now with Obama running down the country nobody wanted to vote another minority. Add the women have to have someone finally but white people our less every year. We just have to let Hillary have this and run down the country even more,and then she is gone along with all the others dried up white crackers will be to old also. We go back and Rubio will be president in 2020.


Mexicans tend to lean conservative once they are established. So I wouldn't count on whitey running for the hills. Also, political parties adjust. Look at the democrats, once respectable party of the working class, now an embarrassing slave train of elites leading incompetent "gibsmedats" seeking free handouts.

More Mexicans (or south Americans, whatever) is NOT GOOD for black people, in case you haven't been watching, you know, life lately.

Mexicans have a work ethic, and generally disdain black Americans as lazy and acting entitled. South Americans identify more with white working class Americans, than blacks.
Illegal (and legal) immigrants take the precious few jobs available that we all know blacks won't do.

In every mixed socio-economic area, where blacks and Mexicans intersect, blacks suffer the most. This includes prison, btw. Blacks are pretty much at a disadvantage wherever they go, because their ghetto culture makes them easy to loathe and avoid.


wrong. Hispanics and black people are friends. Whites are exploiters.


White is a yes,but black and Hispanic together you need to get off the drugs.
