MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > The Fear of the Rise of a Black Messiah,...

The Fear of the Rise of a Black Messiah,why yall so scared? Educate Me

1st of all these are absolutely not my words or concerns. I think its a interesting talking point and I also think it correlates to the tone of this movie.

I welcome you all, white, black, brown and TROLLS. I challenge you to do your best to tackle this interesting question.

I would like a serious and intriguing dialogue so that we can all learn and share view points

If you just came here to TROLL and release your inner racist feelings and thoughts you are absolutely welcomed. All I ask is that you bring your "A" game. So with that being said.

Read this and try to explain to me why was it and still is a FEAR OF THE RISE OF A BLACK MESSIAH?



For maximum effectiveness of the Counterintelligence Program, and to prevent wasted effort, long-range goals are being set.

1. Prevent the COALITION of militant black nationalist groups. In unity there is strength; a truism that is no less valid for all its triteness. An effective coalition of black nationalist groups might be the first step toward a real "Mau Mau" [Black revolutionary army] in America, the beginning of a true black revolution.

2. Prevent the RISE OF A "MESSIAH" who could unify, and electrify, the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a "messiah;" he is the martyr of the movement today. Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Elijah Muhammed all aspire to this position. Elijah Muhammed is less of a threat because of his age. King could be a very real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed "obedience" to "white, liberal doctrines" (nonviolence) and embrace black nationalism. Carmichael has the necessary charisma to be a real threat in this way.

3. Prevent VIOLENCE on the part of black nationalist groups. This is of primary importance, and is, of course, a goal of our investigative activity; it should also be a goal of the Counterintelligence Program to pinpoint potential troublemakers and neutralize them before they exercise their potential for violence.

4. Prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining RESPECTABILITY, by discrediting them to three separate segments of the community. The goal of discrediting black nationalists must be handled tactically in three ways. You must discredit those groups and individuals to, first, the responsible Negro community. Second, they must be discredited to the white community, both the responsible community and to "liberals" who have vestiges of sympathy for militant black nationalist simply because they are Negroes. Third, these groups must be discredited in the eyes of Negro radicals, the followers of the movement. This last area requires entirely different tactics from the first two. Publicity about violent tendencies and radical statements merely enhances black nationalists to the last group; it adds "respectability" in a different way.

5. A final goal should be to prevent the long-range GROWTH of militant black organizations, especially among youth. Specific tactics to prevent these groups from converting young people must be developed. [...]


Primary targets of the Counterintelligence Program, Black Nationalist-Hate Groups, should be the most violent and radical groups and their leaders. We should emphasize those leaders and organizations that are nationwide in scope and are most capable of disrupting this country. These targets, members, and followers of the:

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM)
Nation of Islam (NOI)

Offices handling these cases and those of Stokely Carmichael of SNCC, H. Rap Brown of SNCC, Martin Luther King of SCLC, Maxwell Stanford of RAM, and Elijah Muhammed of NOI, should be alert for counterintelligence
suggestions. [...


Democrats and welfare neutralized them sufficiently.


Ok I hear what you are saying.

Your answer was how it got neutralized.


My question is why "neutralize" the rise of a black messiah?

I know the FBI and Hoovers reason I already provided that.

I want to know your opinion on why there was a FEAR of the rise of a Black Messiah.

Be as honest as you can

I want to hear all POVs


I'm absolutely not very interested in this topic but I skimmed over your post anyway. Here is my concern:

Too much black power stuff is going to piss off the whites big time. You do not want to piss off white people. Remember Hitler? Remember Hiroshima? When they get angry, white people drop all pretense of humanity and you get Darwinian survival on steroids. I simply don't think black people are that hard. If you piss off the whites you are going to get crushed...even if you have a majority. So I think that not supporting black power stuff is really driven by a concern to keep blacks from committing mass suicide.


I really appreciate your reply

I really appreciate your honesty

You said you dont think black people are that "hard"

My question is how can you say that when the grassroots movements by black people were never seen to its full fruition because of the FEAR of UNITY and the FEAR of a BLACK MESSIAH . Our movements never got to see absolute results because they were compromised.

The question still remains. Why was there a fear of UNITY and the RISE of a Black Messiah?

Why would Black Unity and Black Leaders piss off white people?

It seems like your are dancing around what you really want to say.

and If Im wrong I apologize but, I dont understand why J Edgar Hoover and the FBI considered the BLACK MESSIAH public enemy #1

Why is their a documented agenda to keep black people from Unity and Political and Social Economic Success?


Again, I really know nothing about these issues but I'm just throwing crap at you to see what sticks...

Do you see how the main stream media is trying to stop Trump? 9 out of 10 front page headlines in the New York Times and Washington Post are hit jobs on Trump every day. In some ways Trump is a Messiah. He's not black. But they desperately want to stop him. Many people think his movement is kind of white racist. So I don't know whether "black" is really the issue here. The powers that be don't want people stirring up trouble and challenging them. Jesus Christ himself was destroyed by the Jewish establishment because he was challenging them. The establishment never wants change.

I think that fear of a racial black unity and messiah is warranted to people who don't want the status quo overthrown. I think that would feel that way about any "unity" that threatens them.

Ultimately, I think the idea is that people should think about themselves as global human beings and drop all the racial stuff. It will take a while but that is what we should shoot for.

I don't really know what you mean by "dancing around what I really want to say." I'm not. I'm trying to be as truthful and straightforward as I can be.


Why is their a documented agenda to keep black people from Unity and Political and Social Economic Success?

There is history however when I look at the discussion that's happened among African Americans over the last few months, and especially now following the low box office results for BOAN, I don't think anyone needs to actively divide people, we're already split. Just last week when the box office results were posted, some "woke" black activists turned against the feminists. Until it was revealed that more women saw the film than men 61%.

Jesse Williams is probably the closest person recently to get decent support so I suppose its possible but even he got a few arrows since he is biracial. Same for Obama. Close, but he gets a fair share of criticism.

This post is on Nate Parkers film so hopefully we can all agree he is not a candidate for this "Messiah" position. Clearly he has a few people in his corner but it was really Sundance, which was filled with all races that gave him the halo, then snatched it away once they learned his past.


I keep telling you...

"...500 year commitment to ignorance..."

Slavery? What would your lives be like in Africa without it? You're welcome.
Jim Crow? MLK fixed whatever that was with "I Have A Dream". End of discussion.
Southern Strategy? That was Democrats, not Republicans.
Mass incarceration? Strictly a black culture problem.
Protesting Inequality? All a media fraud. We've been post-racial since July 1964.
Black Anger? Black inability to apply proper perspective to just how good they've had it.
Racial segregation? Strictly happening voluntarily (if at all).
Justice Department investigations and mandates by the dozens? Strictly Obama race-baiting.
Police brutality? Rare and not race related at all. Mostly a media fraud.
Welfare? A black culture problem.
Crime? A black culture problem.
And last, but certainly not least...
Donald Trump? Not a racist or demagogue, just putting America first.

Once again, it's all about protecting, "THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE". And this very thread is itself a threat to that.

So...500 years and counting. Here comes the ignorance.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.



I expected that sort of reply from you and you did not disappoint.

I appreciate your involvement in this discussion as well

Thank you.

I want you to watch the 1st minute and a half of this vid. Its a Dr. Umar vid but, I just want you to see the 1st minutes thats an actual movie.


OK. I actually watched the whole thing. What was it that you felt was important for me in particular to see in that first part? The exaggerated demeaning and dismissiveness of Ossie's character? Or the snippet of info about cataract surgeries 400 years ago in Africa? Help me with a little context please.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


the cataract part

when the guy said "we create *beep*


Depending on the "motives" of the historians doing the documenting, there is research that indicates such advanced knowledge in the kingdoms of West Africa goes back not just a few hundred years, but as much as 7 to 10 THOUSAND years ago.

As far as the "we create" quote goes, if memory serves me correct, by some random coincidence, some charming and handsome poster (who shall remain nameless) attempted to make a similar point about the psychology behind just such a mindset, just a few days ago.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Why is this thread avoided?????



Well thank you for your interesting diatribe on the topic.

You focused on me the OP and a person that is not even involved in this conversation clearly you sir have an AX to grind with people who you feel you are inferior to. Instead of answering the actual question that I posted. Your weakness precedes you .

I dont know rather you have a hard time comprehending my initial question or you just want to attack me for asking?

But thats neither here nor there.

Your response is proof positive that you dont have the answers or even a suitable opinion let alone a cognitive

Read the notes from YOUR FBI that I provided. Every word typed was a form of FEAR towards the RISE of a BLACK MESSIAH.

My only question is why FEAR the Rise of a BLACK MESSIAH?? That is all. I dont care how you feel about me and my post on threads. Im consistent! Im UNAPOLGETCALLY AFRIKAN and you or no one else can change that!

Now to answer the statement on "the only thing whites fear" please!!!!! You "whiteboy" are nowhere near built like your ancestors.

You "whiteboy" are a watered down version of your ancestors who were absolute gangsters that paved the way so you can live and "TYPE" the way you do.

MY people ARE FEARED!!!!!!!! and they should be!

Your next POTUS referred to us in 1994 as SUPER PREDATORS!!!!!! This is a documented fact!

Im not proud or embracing that sort of slander but ....this is the FEAR you yourself and your people LIVE WITH!

My people do not fear the European we SCARE them!

Yet I digress

The UNITY of the black community was so FEARED the Hoover and the FBI made anything we did PRIORITY #1


Answer that question since you so god d@mn smart!


You know what the black messiah said to black people before he was hung on the cross thousands of years ago?

"Don't do anything until I get back".


you see?

that type of a response lets me further know


this discussion is above your brain level

I had to type it like this because you cant comprehend structured paragraphs .

Just fall back off this aint ready!!!


I keep telling you. You've been conditioned to keep trying to give your help to people that have shown you in every conceivable (and quite often, inconceivable) HIDEOUSLY VIOLENT way, for more than 500 years straight, that they have absolutely no interest whatsoever in any version of the "truth" except their own. People that whenever necessary, have been more than willing to alter and/or manufacture entire chapters of historical truth (at literally any cost to anyone so-called non-white) as they go. In order to insure the continued survival of "the American Way Of Life" (aka code for the 350-year-old legally fraudulent concept of "whiteness").

So in the simplest possible English...again. Your thread is at it's core a threat to the concept of "whiteness"! (Not to be confused with so-called "white people"! Two very different concepts!) THAT is why it is avoided!

What you're doing is akin to asking people, without warning, to suddenly come into the light. Seemingly unaware that you're talking to people who have spent 500 long years very intentionally operating in the darkness of an endless cycle of kidnapping, rape, torture and genocide. It is politely asking people to acknowledge the truth, despite there being astronomical amounts of evidence that they have made an unmistakable, life-or-death, 500-year-long, "commitment to ignorance". In the name of preserving their "way of life".

Which leads me to my recommendation to you.

From the moment the concept of "whiteness" was "legally" created in the courts of Colonial Virginia and Maryland, there has been a neverending cycle of frauds and lies to keep it alive. So, please, stop ASKING the very people who've shown you in millions upon millions of ways, for the last 500 years, the Godless lengths that they'll go to to perpetuate those lies, to magically start "voluntarily" participating in discussions about the "truth"!

Instead, might I suggest, exert that time and energy on learning more about and shining the light on those lies in every possible way that you can. Barbershops, bowling alleys, grocery stores, carwashes, name it. Because, I believe the ultimate solution is to collectively be so absolutely relentless in exposing every possible nook and cranny where the lies that sustain "whiteness" hide as to make the "commitment to ignorance" that I keep talking about absolutely impossible to sustain. In essence, to choke the life blood out of it. And make the real truth of our past misdeeds so much more and more widespread as to be inescapable.

Why? Because I believe the single most important ingredient for perpetuating "whiteness" all these centuries has been stealth. Evil operating in the shadows, so to speak. And similar to killing vampires, the single most important ingredient for bringing about revolutionary change is lots and lots of direct sunlight! Aka, for the first time in American history...lots and lots and lots of real TRUTH!!!

Starting with...tell me again who Christopher Columbus was!


Despite specifically emphasizing that there's a difference between "whiteness" and white people, watch what the majority of mindless responses to this post emphasize!

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


My friend there will be no responses


I again fully appreciate your reply


I can't believe I left off the most important part of my it pertains very specifically to you!

If we can, in fact, finally find a way to get the absolute maximum number of people possible fully committed to finally exposing, refuting and correcting all the lies of the last 500 years...the penultimate result is, no messiah is even necessary!

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


How do we get the maximum number of people needed on the same page?


How do we get the maximum number of people needed on the same page?

Where to begin?

As I've preached endlessly, the concept of white supremacy was formalized in the courts of 1660's Colonial America with one very, very major fatal flaw. There was no foundational and rigorously researched scientific evidence to support it's "legal" creation! It was and is an utter non-scientific fraud and lie! And therein lies the unintentional beauty of your question. Technically, you don't have to do anything! Because it's absolutely inevitable that the full truth WILL come out! It's strictly a question of when. So in actuality, by learning and spreading more and more of the truth about our past misdeeds, all you'll really be doing is speeding up the inevitable change that is absolutely DESTINED to happen.

Now back to the ugly parts.

As I've preached dozens of times here: Creating the "legal" concept of "whiteness", despite there being no controlled and rigorous scientific research to support it's creation, was therefore, by definition, a premeditated and intentional act of fraud. With millions and millions of people participating in and benefiting from that fraud over centuries. And as with all knowing acts of fraud, the voracity of it's most foundational lie had to be religiously protected at all times. Or the whole system fails! And unquestionably, in this particular case, the absolute hallmark of the lie of white supremacy has been religiously protecting it with centuries of absolutely astonishing amounts of overt and covert, and physical and psychological racial violence. Now, as I've also pointed out numerous times before, that racial violence has also required enormous amounts of white supremacist infrastructure, in order to be able to support and direct that racial violence to whatever racial "hotspot" needed it, at a moment's notice. And in turn, maintaining the constant integrity of that infrastructure has historically also required that whites maintain huge numerical majorities. In order to guarantee endless physical control of, and insure uninterrupted (and often undetected and untraceable) financial support for all race-based pogroms. AND THAT'S THE FATAL FLAW!!! Those centuries of huge numerical majorities can no longer be sustained! And along with that, the threat of seemingly omnipresent racial violence can't either. So, as a result, without the ever-present threat of racial violence, the truth can no longer be kept hidden. Which, in turn, will lead to the full truth of all that's been done in this country in the name of perpetuating the underlying lie of "whiteness" being exposed as well. Demographic change absolutely guarantees that our history of white supremacist violence WILL end. And as a result, the full truth of it all WILL come out too!

So once again, by learning and spreading more and more of the truth, and shining a light on our "dark" and "hidden" racial past, all you'll really be doing is speeding up that inevitable process.

And lastly, you stop wasting your time on people who don't want to be helped, and instead reach out to people WHO WANT TO BE on the same page. And you help them to understand that for the first time in our history we have a genuine opportunity to deal with each other (and the world) with the kind of truth, honesty and integrity that's talked about in the Constitution. Instead of seemingly endless cycles of racial violence, driven by lies and fraud, fundamentally based on a completely fraudulent centuries-old lie called "legal" "whiteness".

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Thanks bro!
