MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > Why US politicians do nothing for Africa...

Why US politicians do nothing for African Americans?

US politicians promise good life to African Americans every 4 years but nothing changes. BLack people get poorer every year.

We must send the politicians a message and vote for Sanders this November. Write Sanders in and make your voice heard by the politicians.


Why US African Americans do nothing for themselves?


Every group asks for something. Elderly want SS to be saved and medical costs to be controlled. LGBT want rights protected. The super rich want tax breaks, and apparently they get them now that we know the truth about Trump's tax returns. I'm sure there's even more hidden since he still won't release the latest form.

Every group has an agenda. Its as old as politics itself.


That's America for ya. Black people must "do for themselves". When gays want equality, we call it Gay Rights. When women want equality, we called Women Rights. When natives want equality, we call it Indigenous Rights...but when black people want equality, we call it Civil Rights. They're not even allowed to call it "Black Rights".


Nobody owes black people anything. Get over this ignorant mentality.


1) not true. There are black middle class and upper, this whole debate has been an argument over supporting a man with millions. Cities like Atlanta, Chicago, NYC, DC are busy with what were called Buppies. There can be some argument if the middle and upper class are spending their money wisely, but it exists. However, for people without an education or way out of poverty, its been a struggle.

2) Write in candidates will not win so its a waste of your time. Face facts, it will be President Clinton or President Trump even Bernie has conceded so let it go.


US politicians take the black vote for granted. By voting for Sanders, Africa Americans will force the politicians to work hard to earn their vote


Sanders is supporting hillary. Im a bernue supporter and if you are too you will stop your write in agenda and support hillary too


But Hillary did nothing for African Americans. She takes the black vote for granted. We need to teach her to work hard for the black vote.

Or maybe you're white and live a good life?


I am white but that is irrelavent.
Fact is, yes hillary is not a good candidate but writing in bernie would hand the election to trump. So in the end you made the situation worse if that happend.




African Americans' lives cannot get worse. We have nothing to lose.


Keep telling yourself that. It could always be worse


US politicians do nothing for anyone except the 1%.


They did a lot for gays, but nothing for African Americans.
Black Lives Matter!
