MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > If Nat scares Americans..Y'all ain't rea...

If Nat scares Americans..Y'all ain't ready for TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE lol

I can't stop laughing at Americans who think that Nat Turner was such a boogey man!!!!

If this 48-hour rebellion-lite episode had delicate Southerners so shook, try 40 years. Bwahhahahahaha

As the only successful slave rebellion that led to the formation of a country and the END of slavery on their own terms, I can see why Americans slave-owners did not want bad ole Haitian slaves anywhere near their docile flock.

My friend who is from Martinique shared with me some of shady stuff that that the French tells them about Haiti, to scare off their rebellion attitude. Little do they know, Haitians are the type to feed their kids mud as free individuals than filet mignon as a slave.

When it comes to freedom, Haitians do NOT play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They understand the inalienable right of ALL humans to be free.

The French will NEVER forget what the Haitians did to them. That's cool, cause we're not about to forget what they did/continue to do to us.

France was a superpower back then. To actually lose a colony was such a slap in the face. A slap that reverberates even in this day.

I did not come to this earth to please you. 


Most "rednecks" these days are posers anyway.
Whiskey and Yoga anyone? LOLZ

(my bumper sticker)


The Haitian Revolution movie will never be made.

That REBELLION scared the absolute *beep* out of slavers.

And because of that REBELLION is why Haiti gets sh!tted on by the rest of the World.

Danny Glover has been trying to do this movie for years!!!!!!!!!!


There's a mini-series (with Heroes actor Jimmy Jean-Louis) for starters. I haven't watched it yet.

I am well aware of Mr. Glover's difficulties in bringing this project to fruition. I have no doubt that this project will be made in the right way, with the right backing at the right time. It has a lot of meaty, dramatic roles in a period piece for actors of color...
can't wait.

I did not come to this earth to please you. 


I don't think they want this movie made. They want us docile...


When I went to see this movie I was expecting it to make a slight reference to Toussaint and the Haitian rebellion. The Haiti revolution actually had a lot to do with Nat Turner's massacre. When the U.S. slave owners learned of the mutiny in Haiti, they desperately tried to hide the news from the local blacks in fear that it would give their slaves ideas about doing their own insurrection. Despite their efforts, the slave holders couldn't keep their slaves from hearing about the Haitian revolution. The success Haiti had in taking over their owners is one of the reasons that spurred Turner and his adherents to attempt their own mutiny. They wanted what happened in Haiti to also happen in America.


And how's that working out? Haiti is an absolute toilet. One of the most backward, low IQ, screwed up countries on the face of the earth. Haiti and its people are a total disaster.


@KingVidor - Sweet child, a post cannot address the grand canyon crater-level of ignorance you are sharing with us today. In this short post, you have exposed your ass.

You don't know Haitians. You get your news from Anderson Pooper and Christian charity infomercials. The hairs on the back of your arm would all stand if you knew about the role good ole US plays in strangling that small country--from brutal economic sanctions, to planting hand-picked despots, to "supervising" elections, to allowing their "peacekeeping" troops to have their way (doing what US troops do)...

I just gave you a taste of what Haitians have been dealing with for decades. Still. We stand. Still we rise. There is nothing they value more than their freedom! Nothing.

While you are the type to prostitute your soul for a loaf of bread under the roof of psychopaths, Haitians would rather die hungry, free and under God's blue sky.

I cannot get this concept into your skull because you are mentally and morally bankrupt (inbreeding bares only disastrous consequences). I'm not going around in circles anymore with you and your other toothless cousins/lovers on this board.

This if you'll excuse me, I need to text a few more people and spread the word about this film.

I hope you won't get too bored without me.πŸ˜‹πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜

I did not come to this earth to please you. 


Haitians mass murdered all the whites there 200+ years ago so it should be a black paradise. There've been no evil white people around to get in the way of black greatness.

Oh, of course....Haiti's dysfunction is All The White Man's Fault, even when no white men are there. We've never heard that one before.






I would like to learn more about the rebellion in Haiti. We see how well it turned out for Haiti. They are among the world's poorest, corrupt and violent nations, they may have wanted to stay under the French!

As for nat and his rebellion he did ok when he went up against sleeping women and children but he was dealt with the moment armed whites showed up. So no not much of a bogey man.

Candyman now that was a scarefest!


Your "friend" left out one giant detail in regards to TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE! lo. Before he began his revolution and even up until his death, he himself owned around 12 slaves. He was a slave, gained his freedom, worked livestock, bought slaves, bought a coffee plantation, and started a revolution that defied Napoleon and France.

A lot of people try and associate certain behaviors with certain races, but one thing is for certain... When people are given a fantastic education they have a much better shot at being able to come up with ways to amass wealth, gain influence and power, and build more civilized communities, and if the reverse is true, your town is full to the brim with willfully ignorant and superstitious trash, you'l likely be surrounded by far more violence and criminality than the other folks, the ones who were taught that there's better ways to utilize your brain and benefit yourself and those around you if you would only try.



What the f#ck are you exactly talking about when you said

" your town is full to the brim with willfully ignorant and superstitious trash"

Are you referring to the practice of the cultural black magik of VOODOO?

The Haitians are more spiritual and in tune with the universe than any European could ever be.

There is soooooo little YOU PEOPLE know about the history of Haiti. You only know what the TV chooses to let you consume.

And then when you try to sh!t on this great country that is and has always been punished because they decided to LIBERATE themselves shows how absolutely clueless, uninformed and malice your comments are.
