MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > I will boycott this rapist's movie

I will boycott this rapist's movie

Parker is a rapist and as a woman, I will boycott his movie and will encourage everyone to do so


He was aquitted. It was found he had a consensual sexual encounter 24 hours before and after the incident from the victims own account and testimony. Not too many victims willingly sleep with their rapist again in another setting without drugs or alcohol involved.


Contrary to popular belief, consent is not a lifetime warranty that you can st!ck your junk whenever you want. Marital rape also exists so his acquittal was based on technicality and he is a rapist no matter what his apologists think.

You can waste your life drawing lines or live your life crossing them.



ivymoss -

If anyone is going to understand what is going on when classmates and universities support rapists, that documentary is a "must-see."

OP -

Yes, this is boycott-worthy but it's not just women - many men are boycotting, too. :) The ones boycotting have many skin colors, different ages, religions, sexual preferences... it's a unified, shared value of supporting rape victims.

Last night there was a talk about a petition to disallow any potential profit from reaching rapists' or their supporters' hands and redirecting any financial gain towards the victim(s) or their survivors. There's a grassroots movement to stop rewarding rapists and that's exciting because in America, that is exactly how things improve.

There's cause for hope because what lies ahead for Parker, Celestin, Fox-Searchlight and other supporters is going to look a lot like this:

"Why Did Judge Aaron Persky's Stanford Rape Decision Go Viral?"

It looks like America's reached a tipping point (finally!!!) about no longer tolerating rape or the rapists or their supporters. Producers and distributors should take note of this growing movement but will they? Hard to say. Often, these monumental shifts begin with grassroots activists and corporations and governments don't notice until it bites them in the ass. (or boycotts them)

Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.


Regardless of legal innocence, he had sex with an unconscious woman with impaired judgment. That is morally wrong and people have a right not to support him or his work.


And invited his friends to have sex with an unconscious woman. One was at least decent enough to turn that offer down and leave the building.


And invited his friends to have sex with an unconscious woman. One was at least decent enough to turn that offer down and leave the building.

That guy can go "f off" too.

The rape apologists/supporters really do boggle the mind. If anyone actually thought about it in this situation the one being called "decent enough" did not intervene, did not help this woman, did not call the police - not what I'd put under the heading of "decent" behavior.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

Read more at:

I'd update that to "good people."

The woman whom was raped in the Judge Persky case was treated differently by strangers... two Swedish men intervened, caught the rapist as he fled and then testified. They didn't simply decline to join in the rape - they were horrified into taking action and they were traumatized by witnessing such cruel treatment of another human being.

Turner was the rapist but his supporters include his father whom complained that his son was going through a lot of trouble over "20 minutes of action." And, Judge Persky whom felt concerned that "prison would have a detrimental effect on Turner." Uh, isn't that the point? There are petitions to recall that judge because he completely disregards the victims of sexual assault and the detrimental effect his sentencing has on them.

The thing is, calling that "white privilege" is a misnomer because in ALL sexual assault cases in America, the statistics show that justice is least likely to be found. The Parker/Celestin rape is just another example of the system's injustice.

Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.


But not decent enough to alert the authorities to the intentions of the other two.


Yeah I was in a rush when I typed this and kinda messed up on my point. I don't think he was a good guy just for walking away


I wasn't criticizing you. I assumed you got that point. My comment was more for others out there reading all this.


Good. You can boycott, if it still gets released which is now unlikely, I will be there opening night.

Talk to me about child rapist polanski who got an Oscar and was guilty, not acquitted.


Either way, the man that Nate gangraped the girl with WAS convicted and served jail time, he is also one of the screenwriters on the movie..... sooo yeah there is no way around this. This would never fly if he wasn't african american.... people would be all over a white director or actor with the same past.



I despise Polanski for his raping an underage girl


Congrats to the OP. Another boycott that worked.


Ahh, the life of a troll.
