Do not see this movie

This guy says the movie is boring and shows white kids gettting killed for no reason.

I hope not too many black people watches this movie because it might give them wrong ideas. I'm not racist I have a black friend.



pillow, the movie has been out for several weeks and nothing has happened as a result, other than it making very little in the box office.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."



If you don't want to watch it because someone else thought it was boring I can understand that, but why do you feel the need to tell others not to watch it? I'm now more inclined to watch it because I think that's a preposterous thing to do.


I'm now more inclined to watch it because I think that's a preposterous thing to do.

That just shows how simple minded you are.
