Silly plagiarism of the D.W. Griffith title
The Turner rebellion was years before the civil war.
It hastened it when antebellum southerners, now fearful of slave uprisings, treated their slaves much more harshly and restrictive.
This encouraged a growth in Northern abolitionist sentiment and distrust of yankee motives on EVERY national issue, not just slavery
(not too unlike the political chasm we have today).
D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation"
addressed conditions AFTER the civil war and the complaint of southerners that former slaves with no education or experience and animus hearts were given positions of power over them.
It was THE propagandist "history" of the Klu Klux Klan, an organization 20 million or more strong at it's height and VERY politically strong.
I can't imagine what the producers of the current film are trying to say by usurping the title.
Perhaps they are ignorant of American History, cinematic AND actual?