MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > Why Is It That Black People.........

Why Is It That Black People.........

Always yell and talk to the characters in the movie? I saw this at the theater and black people were yelling at the screen during the whole show as if the actors could hear them. Found it very disrespectful to all the viewers in the theater.
Why do they always do this? Would like an explanation on this, or the very least a clarification


A stupid question deserves a stupid answer.

For the same reason that all white people wear pointy white sheets, and enslave black people, and try to wipe out indigenous people, and put Asians in concentration camps.


Would you like to reword that original question somewhat?

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.




Why is it that bigots like to play up stereotypes to feel better about themselves? Why? How did you like the movie? Or are you not going to talk about it?


So according to you I'm a bigot why???? All I asked is a simple question as to why this always happens in movie theaters. You're the Imbecile trying to make yourself feel better by making accusations and bringing race into the conversation. Hey! Look at me everyone I'm calling people bigots I'm sticking up for the black race!


Hey! Look at me everyone I'm calling people bigots I'm sticking up for the black race!

Versus. Hey! Look at me everyone. I'm so "ENTITLED" I get to say whatever I want, about whomever I want, whenever I want. And I never have to consider that it might be offensive to anyone.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Did I offend you? In what way? Please clarify


Why Is It That Black People.........

Don't see anything there that anyone would have a problem with at all do you???

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


We don't know for a fact that the OP meant to be offensive or realized it was. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt that he sincerely may have that question.



Not a chance.

That's how the system was designed to work for grandma and grandpa. Very, very, very specifically because they were 95% of the population. And they could easily manipulate the system in any way they saw fit to benefit only them.

But they lied to you.

We don't get to play the same "plausible deniability" games that they did a couple generations ago. Because there's no longer the super majority that enabled their astronomically dishonest manipulating of the underlying system to benefit only one segment of the population. Their 95% demographic is now down to around 65%. And for the first time in American history we are all being asked to deal with each other straight-forward and honestly.

Quite simply, those days are over. And they're not coming back.

And ultimately people like you and him should very much want a more just system in place. Because it won't be nearly as long as you think until that 65% number is down to 35%. And you're then potentially in a position for the same types of games to be played against you.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Ever consider your over analyzing may be a detriment and part of the problem?

Because of the nature of the Internet I purposely go against the grain of "guilty until proven innocent" and to be defensive and lash out at someone "just in case" they're trolling. If they're definitely trolling there's no doubt, and if you give them the benefit of the doubt and then realize they actually were indeed trolling, it will show itself soon enough.

It's a shame how needless fights erupt (and continue endlessly) online just because everyone is so damn defensive constantly, and interpret intention and inflection to naturally be an insult or offense. 


...and FYI, if a black person said "why do white people always put themselves in such obvious danger or take chances?? (as I have heard them say a lot) I would not be the least bit offended.


I would not be the least bit offended.

Bro you don't have the slightest clue.

Now, believe it or not, that's not a direct put-down of you. It's actually more-so a sad statement that your ancestors fed you a ration of BS as a child. That the way things worked for them in the past are gonna keep working forever.

Unfortunately, that belief system your parents and grandparents taught you about race is a total lie. And the voracity of that 400-year-old lie is failing virtually by the minute.

You don't get to keep deciding forevermore what is and isn't offensive to women and so-called minorities. And what is and isn't painful to them. Again, those days are well on their way to being over. It worked by sheer brute force for your ancestors, but it's not going to continue working much longer for you. Because the world's demographics are!!! The only consolation is that, that leaves you far from alone on an island in that delusional and outdated mode of thinking. In fact, as of the last election, it says there are still at least 60 million others who think relatively just like you.

But here's the thing. Like the old Mr Goodwrench commercial. "You can pay now or pay later." Either try to understand these things now. Or keep painfully bumping forehead first into them later on, more and more and more.

Your ancestors thinking about race was incredibly twisted. And because of this very fast changing world, sooner or later YOU are gonna have to deal with the fact that they taught you virtually nothing but lies and deceits about race, and start to correct your own thinking. Because right now, you don't have a clue how this race stuff is supposed to work. And it's gonna be more and more of a minefield for you as time goes on.

Best wishes.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


I didn't count on the fact that you were black and are not capable of being objective. You know nothing about my ancestors and missed the point of what the OP's intent was, not what some may find offensive.


You're kinda scary.

When you grab a woman "by the p---y" it is utterly irrelevant what your intentions are! So too with the pain of racism. As with everything else you've been taught about race, making it all about "intentions" is a HUGE lie!

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


When you grab a woman "by the p---y" it is utterly irrelevant what your intentions are! So too with the pain of racism. As with everything else you've been taught about race, making it all about "intentions" is a HUGE lie!

Congratulations on trying to rebut with a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the matter at hand: the OP's intent who, once again, must be given the benefit of the doubt unless obvious otherwise.


No not at all, if I witnessed Asian people yelling at the screen then my question would be to Asian people. I was at this movie in the theater and Black People were the ones screaming back at the screen hence is why my question is here. And like I mentioned I've seen black people practice this ritual numerous times at other movies so I'm wondering if it's a cultural thing. Please clarify, thanks.


No not at all,

Thanks. That pretty much says it all.

Bye now.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Afraid you're not smart enough to give a well thought answer???



Afraid you have no remote idea that you even "might" have a problem. And shrinks get paid by the hour for people like that.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.



If you really wanted an answer to your question then you should've waited after the movie was over and asked those black people who yelling during the movie. But you didn't because you KNEW it would've been offensive.


That's a terrible arguement. You're trying to equate two things that are not at all related. At best you've put together an uncogent arguement.

You're insinuation is that he didn't discuss a racial issue with that person because he knew it would be offensive, but you're hiding behind a real element that you're not acknowledging, and that's that it's rude to walk up to anyone you don't know and ask them a pointed question about personal behavior.

If I saw a person of another race sneezing over and over, I wouldn't go up and ask them why they kept sneezing and put them on the spot for that. Not becuase they were a different race than me, but because I don't have an open avenue to breach the subject. So trying to equivocate these two items is either ignorant or disengenuous.

However, this is a movie board for people to discuss movies, and believe it or not, theater protocol is both an accepted and common topic. So it shouldn't be unreasonable for a person to ask a question about movie-going experiences. The fact that it's a discussion board is his open avenue to ask a question that he might not in a public market to a complete stranger.

And for the record, at my last job I worked with all black dudes, I was the only white guy. They brought this topic up and laughed about it. I even asked them why did blacks so often talk to the screen. They were NOT offended at all, and like I said, they were the ones who brought it up.

So quit trying to be the moral avenger. Let's all give each other a little leeway, and save the outrage for the real offenses.

Liberals claim to love "others ideas", until they find out people actually have other ideas.


In this day and age I didn't want to end up with a cap in my AZZ. You never know how people are gonna react



We don't all do it.

In any case, my brother and I watched the Super Bowl once at a restaurant/sports bar, and let me tell you we saw a ton of white folks yelling at the screens as if the athletes and refs could hear them. I think the women were worse. Quite funny really.
