"lazarus" syndrome
i remember in the first episode the dr mentioning something about lazarus syndrome "I've heard of people coming back to life 20 minutes to an hour after they are declared dead... but never 2 years". uhh, yeah, no kidding. that's because anyone familiar with the burial process knows that people don't get accidentally buried alive like you see in countless movies and tv shows because morticians literally drain their bodies of all fluid and replace it with embalming fluid. if you weren't dead prior to that process, you sure would be dead after it.
I was annoyed by this show at first for being another stupid corpses coming back to life trope with zero explanation for why these bodies are somehow filled back up with human bodily fluid upon rising from the grave... but then I quickly realized after one of the characters literally turned in to ash whilst trying to cross a bridge that the rules of the universe they are creating here have absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever. so I just let it go.
but like I said, this is a main pet peeve of mine every time we have a zombie movie that is NOT just a catch-all throw-away supernatural explanation like this show where the writers made absolutely zero attempt to understand the modern day post-death processes a mortician/coroner follows.
Where did you get those clothes, the toilet store?