Still not one critic review
Not even a YouTube critic review. Nobody is watching this movie.
Try to guess which famous celebrity I am.
Not even a YouTube critic review. Nobody is watching this movie.
Try to guess which famous celebrity I am.
Why would they spend their money on something like this? Fanboys of Smosh are gonna rate it a 10 whether they have seen the movie or not, and it's not gonna get the critics attention because no one of any importance is behind this movie.
shareActually, I think it would be interesting if some internet reviewer did a review of all the internet reviewer movies out there, for some kind of meta-review-ception.
I think AVGN made one
Nostalgia Critic made Kickassia
Red Letter Media made Feeding Frenzy
I think what people seem to forget is that some films don't take themselves too seriously and are meant to be fun. Feeding Frenzy and Smosh are examples of that. I suspect the others are as well.
So at the anime convention Youmacon in Detroit, one of the recurring panels is live Mystery Science Theater of some video game or anime based movie that is of course not that good.
However, some of those movies they've riffed, I feel are decent because they are fun. They are goofy and silly but not torturous to sit through. Other films like The Last Airbender or The King of Fighters are simply dull and suck all the life out of them. Sometimes even the riffing can't make those enjoyable.
These movies by internet reviewers or youtube celebrities are often better than the ones riffed at Youma MST and they certainly have more heart and passion put into them.
I enjoyed this movie. I really don't understand how someone would find it terrible. From a technical perspective, all the shots were well framed and composed with proper color balance and lighting. The script was good and didn't drag on or ever get boring. The acting was exciting and very much in synch with the spirit of the movie.
Again, I feel like they delivered what you would expect from their youtube channel. So all the negative criticism has me wondering, did some people come in with the wrong type of expectation? Not necessarily a higher expectation but one expecting something different from their type of comedy.